EXTRAORDINARY ADMINISTRATION Another blow for Kocner: a bill for bills


"The defendants are MK and PR for the crime of forgery, alteration and unauthorized production of money, securities and the tort of justice committed in the form of complicity with prejudice 69 millions of euros, the police approached. At the same time, they added that the couple was at risk of imprisonment for 12 to 20 years.

Marian Kočner.

Marian Koćner brought with

Source: TASR / Dušan Hein

The prosecutor insisted on prosecution

The morning news portal JOJ noviny.sk announced that the special prosecutor Ján Šanta is waiting for the examination of the investigation file and will file the indictment for a few days. "The investigation is over and the Attorney General is considering filing an indictment against Marian K. within seven days, presumably the prosecutor will lay an indictment up to the date of the indictment. until March 28, until the detention is extended ", list the portal.

Kočner accused in the assassination of Ján Kuciak: influential and influential entrepreneur of sms-ka

At the same time, he points out that Šanta is a prosecutor who insisted that Mariana K. be prosecuted."He justified Šanta by the proposal of custody before the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic and by the fact that Marian K. had committed an offense by a fraudulent act on bills of exchange to the point that the history of Slovak forensic science did not know it yet ", added the portal.

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