Facebook fell on the stock market. What can he do about it?


GDPR and Cambridge Analytica scandal could be worse

BRATISLAVA, NEW YORK. Facebook surpassed another record this week when it fell sharply by nearly twenty percent Thursday

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In the history of US markets, no American firm has lost more than one hundred billion dollars in a single day

This massive surge does not even was carried out by Intel tech company when it lost its stock in one day in 2000 91 billion dollars, or Microsoft, which was 77 billion dollars a day in the same year

For all, personal data [19659009] What happened? For the fall of stocks, first of all, the announcement of the company's results for the second quarter and the gradual increase in costs incurred by the company to secure the systems

Facebook spends more money for security

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At the beginning of the year, information from Cambridge Analytica were illegally recovered by ten million social network users and used to support Donald Trump's election campaign


" Facebook began an intense struggle with so-called fake news, which is wrong and false. "

" The company she owed the pressure of the US government to hire more people to control the content on the social network, "says Mahdalová, explaining why the amount of free money has also dropped by half

People started to leave, especially in Europe

was introduced by new, stricter data protection rules, the GDPR.

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