Facebook has removed 32 malicious accounts


Facebook unveiled "sophisticated" efforts on its platforms to influence American politics.

Referring to the Facebook notification, AP reported Tuesday. Facebook also suggested a possible link between these efforts in Russia

The company deleted 32 social accounts Facebook and Instagram because they were part of a coordinated effort and appeared to be counterfeit Who's behind these efforts, Facebook does not know, but suggested their possible connection to Russia. The company also said it found links between deleted accounts and accounts linked to the Russian Internet research agency Petrohrade Russian, linked to the Kremlin, which Facebook deactivated before and after the US presidential election in 2016.

Behavior is not allowed on Facebook because we do not want people or organizations to create account networks to deceive others about who they are or what they do. " introduced the company on his blog. "We are at the beginning of the investigation, and we do not know all the facts, or who could bear it," she continued. According to an anonymous Facebook representative, the company also held private conferences in the US Congress this week to discuss the impact campaign on Facebook and Instagram

Facebook revealed the campaign to investigate possible interferences at upcoming US legislative elections. The New York Times reported on Tuesday that it was the first time that the accounts in question had been removed. The first of the listed counterfeits was created in March 2017. At least one of them followed more than 290,000 accounts The most popular of these pages on Facebook were "Aztlan Warriors "," Black Elevation "," Mindful Being "or" Resisters ". The Facebook and Instagram accounts are about $ 150 US and the Canadian dollars are worth $ 11,000. The first advertisement was published in April 2017 and the last in June 2018.

The company added that the offenders were "much more cautious in hiding their tracks" than in 2016. In part, in because of the actions taken by Facebook over the past year to prevent the misuse of their platforms. Accountants, for example, used private virtual networks and Internet telephony services and paid third parties to advertise on their behalf

In the November elections, the Republican Party of President Donald Trump will retain control of both chambers Congress.

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