Facebook lost day by day 123 billion dollars | business


This is the right time to quickly buy shares of the largest social network. So, at least for those who were expecting the lowest price and are confident that their price will go up. It turned out, however, that not only is the value of cryptomeni inexplicable. Facebook, after announcing the results of the second quarter, recorded the largest decline in inventories in its history.

The value of the shares of the company before the publication of information on how it hosted in the second quarter decreased by about 19%. Still Wednesday, Facebook had a market value of 629.6 billion US dollars. On Thursday, it is 506.2 billion. Mark Zuckerberg lost $ 123.4 billion a day. Specifically, the value went from 217.5 to 175.18 dollars per share.

Investor confidence has been shaken after Facebook has not achieved the expected financial results and user growth. Analysts have predicted earnings of $ 1.72 per share for a $ 13.3 billion business figure and an increase in the number of users to $ 2.25 billion. Facebook, however, posted a profit of $ 1.74 per revenue share of $ 13.23 billion and the blue social network uses "only" 2.23 billion people.

The stock of Facebook fell sharply Source: Yahoo Finance

Facebook representatives in the shareholders' report are still saying that sales could slow by a few percent in the third and fourth quarters. They mentioned the number greater than a number. The increase in costs will also be more pronounced than the increase in sales.

The expressions of financial analysts vary. For some, it's all about a short time and the perfect time to buy at an unbeatable price, and remember that Facebook has already recovered after a sharp drop in shares in March after the case of Cambridge Analytica.

For others, this is the unmistakable feature of

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