Facebook shares fell by $ 120 billion in one day. Can the GDPR go there? | Windowscentrum.sk


Society Facebook has just been spamatall of "strike" after a scandal with an analytic society Cambridge Analytica and now comes an even bigger blow. After an eight-month break in the stock market, the company is still in greater trouble. The value of Facebook shares fell by 19% overnight which ultimately means that the total value of Facebook dropped by $ 120.6 billion . drop all-time

Facebook shares closed Wednesday at $ 217.50, but in the morning it was worth only $ 174.89, a decline of more than 19%. At the time of writing, the value of the shares was $ 176.26. Even if it does not seem so bad at first glance, the decline of Facebook will certainly not hurt. In recent months, despite the problem of Cambridge Analytica, he advised and did not see any larger stocks. This is a really alarming decline this time

The biggest problem is probably GDPR

The decline in stock prices is mainly due to the company's second quarter earnings. 2.23 billion active users grew only 1.54%, which is significantly lower than the increase of 3.14% in the first quarter of this year. The slow progression of users is due in particular to the new regulations of the GDPR, which have made Facebook a minimum number of new users in the EU

The decline will probably continue to continue

The financial director of Facebook, David Wehner, said today a steady slowdown in business revenue growth in the second half of this year. This report, with its low market value, is a warning to the company, especially regarding its "performance" in the coming months, which we hope will improve.

Source: neowin.net, introduction (Youtube) [19659009] / * [ad_2]
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