Fialová přišla or milovaného otce Ivana († 76)


He experiences incredible pain. The actress Zuzana Fialová (44 years old) lost the pillar of his life. Father Ivan († 76), not only a respected athlete and climber but above all a soul and a love. The actress' relationship with her father was full of understanding, harmony and warmth.

Although they are both completely different, they loved it first and foremost. They walked together along the mountains and enjoyed the pleasures of living together, when their peaceful journey broke a serious illness. The fight with her Ivan Fiala, he lost, and Friday froze his foul heart forever Friday, July 13, 2018 will still be a dark line engraved in the soul of actress Zuzka Fialová [19459006OnthisdayhisbelovedfatherIvan(†76)anintrepidandwarmmanwhodedicatedhislifetothemountainsgavehislastbreathHispassionhasledhimtothehighesthillsintheworldwithhundredsofuniqueoutingsbehindhimAfterthetragedyonthesecondtriptoMtEverestein1988FialadecidedtostoptheclimbingHehasnotbeenabletogetridofthismisfortuneformanyyearsHeenjoyedhislifeathomeinSenciwithhisclosestfriendsandasheadmittedhefinallyhadtimewithhisdaughter Years spent on various heavy expeditions, however, returned to his health over time . According to New Time, he struggled with a serious illness with which he could no longer fight. Zuzana wears her loss very hard: "They are very intimate moments for our family, please respect it," wrote a horrified actress to New Time

  Together they passed Open Gallery [19659005] Glued their special puto [19659006] The relationship between father and daughter was very strong in the case of the actress and the famous Himalayas. Ivan always talked about his daughter in superlatives, even though he had often read his absence at home and, as a child, he had given him a headache several times. "I think it's mine, even after years, I respond emotionally to the memory of the forces of his life.It's just love," was a climber for Life magazine, where he remembered his childhood. "She was beautiful and sovereign.At school and at home.We introduced what is called Japanese education – steal what you want.It was demanding, it had to have a lot of hard nerves. She was infinitely stubborn, I would have ripped her like a frog. " Nevertheless, they loved her. Together, they hiked in the mountains, for family trips, sports or just lounging by the pool at home.

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To the support girl
Although they have often had different opinions about life and often held debates inflamed, Fiala did not allow Zuzana to enlist. "If something happened, it would do everything for me. The feeling of belonging is very strong in us. My daughter is a complicated man but very good. In recent years, their relationship has been strengthened even more.Zuzana regularly went to her father's house and, in her words, she was having fun.Every word to her address felt that the actress s & # 39; 39, hung on his father. " My dad loves him, he is very kind, charming, it is cool, peaceful, it radiates strength and authority, c & rsquo; Is a very interesting person He has a lot of experience and he can enrich his life in an amazing way. (19459004) I missed such an affair that I did not want to go home, "
Ivan Fiala was aware of this, but he had his own explanation:" But not for this difficult approach to myself I would not have realized what I realized. "And now Zuzana he comes to the fact that if he wants to grow professionally, he must also deprive his child, otherwise it is not possible, it must be decided."

Horský Velikán
Ivan Fiala († 76) was one of the main characters of Slovak mountaineering. It has 17 non-European expeditions, nearly 400 sorties in the High Tatras, the Alps, Causeway, Pamir, Hindu, Himalayas, North and South America, Africa and New Zealand. In 1971 he became the first Slovak with his counterpart Nagar Parbat However, his passion for mountaineering also eroded the tragedies that have lived throughout his life. On his first trip to Makalu, he spent a week with a dying friend. He tried to keep it, but he did not succeed. He was also co-organizer of Mt. Evereste in the 80s During the second expedition in 1988, after the summit reached its misfortune, four Slovak mountaineers perished.

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Zoltán Demján (63), horolez ec
The report of the death of the one you know will always touch you. Ivan Fiala was a conscientious and determined person with whom we were on two missions, although he was a mountain generation older than me. We had a first joint venture when we started in Alaska. And the second was the "glory" during which we conquered Everest with Jozef Psotko All those who organized the expedition did their best to know. It ended, however, by the fact that Juzek Psotka was killed, and it's an unsuccessful expedition for me. The success is artificial … Ivan Fiala remains forever the first Slovak, who, with Michal Orolín, appears the eighty millennium of July 11, 1971.

Pavol Barabáš, filmmaker and traveler
I am sorry that a legend is gone. Ivan was a great storyteller, and he knew his beautiful but tragic life experiences with a very beautiful and fascinating story. I'm glad we managed to record it in the film The Waving of Heights

Michal Orolín, Climber and Coach
I'm sorry that Ivan is no longer among us … [19659016] Gejza Hák, Climber, Rescuer Mountain
I learned this morning from his wife that I was going to another funeral ceremony in Tatranska Lomnica. It's sad, but it ends life

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