Fica sang in Kysucia during the celebration of sovereignty. The coat of arms was no longer lit. Photo: TASR Former Prime Minister and current MP Robert Fico slammed the audience


Fico and Blanar fired the sovereignty of Slovakia during a celebration last year in the Old City. This is what happened at an international celebration celebrated Saturday night in Stare Mesto in the district of Čadca. The village is one of the largest Smer bases.

Several politicians took part in the event, the hearing of part of the hearing was only heard during the speech of Fica. "Yes, part of the public beat him, we all started shooting except Fica," said independent deputy Igor Janckulík, who was in action in the Zilina region.

"Piskot was there.I would not say that they threw it.The people were different," said Štefan Zelník, deputy of the Slovak National Party (SNS).

He and Janckulík, representatives of Smer and the mayor of the old Bystrix, Jan Podmanický, ignited the focus of sovereignty. Fico missed.

Fico celebrated last year in the old city as prime minister, but negative emotions did not come from people

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