Fico on the government office: Let's mention the cases around Radičová. He did not answer questions again


"Let's mention the cases concerning Iveta Radičová," said Wednesday Robert Fico, president of the Chamber of Commerce. In government, a higher level collective agreement has been signed for employers. Fico did not allow the reporters to ask questions, but he began to attack the opposition, which criticized Kazimir as governor of the NBS.

According to Fica O 'NaNO and SaS, they are part of the bad guys. "There is no reason to attack Petr Kažimir's candidacy," he said.

"I will not listen to people like Mr. Galko, who listened to everyone, and it is interesting that you do not mind," said the executive.

"Here are some people who are willing to threaten freedoms and rights, and do not mind that some MPs have examined the assistant's bills regarding the accounts of the constitutional agents." You do not mind that there are people there. who, when they came to power, acted first to steal something.Return the case of Ms. Radicova, I will not respect this part of the villain and cheaters, we will not give the towels in front of my mouth. We will not be offended by so many fans, "Fico said.

After Fico, Andrej Danko addressed the journalists. "It is more difficult to govern this state than I would have imagined in the past," he said at the beginning.

"I'm really sorry that the media has forgotten the approval of the holiday checks and the system-law on political parties yesterday."

Danko said that today, state governance affects people "who do not respect the basic hierarchy and do not realize where the limit of criticism lies".

In Dank, the anger is flagrant and he regretted that today they did not appear before the Office of the President of the Cabinet. "They are supposed to show respect not to the coalition, but to everyone involved in such collective bargaining."

According to Danko, the standard of living will increase next year. "I am shocked by the stupid advertisements we have ordered," said the president of the IEC.

"I am very afraid that such a crazy state that has been with me at RTVS is run by the state.I can not imagine this damn master when he comes to the government office," he said. said Danko about Richard Sulik.

"Close your eyes and imagine the three madmen who run the state.Young people who have a different opinion can not be abused by the presidential office, Za Slušné Slovensko and others, to realize how much money Mr. Trnka has put into circulation to control through progressive Slovakia and Together with this state.I ask the media representatives to distinguish between political newspapers and the media who earn money by checking the facts of their life, "added Danko.

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