Fines do not change Google's business policy. The new Youtube design slows down some competing Internet browsers


The company published a new design for Youtube that causes 5x slower loading on Internet browsers Microsoft Edge and Firefox against Google Chrome. This is not because Google Chrome is such an incredible browser, although it is this feeling that this step allows the company to seduce the users

According to Chris Peterson the technical director of Mozilla, uses An obsolete "DOM Shadow API v0" that has been implemented in Chrome for the redesign of Polymer. This is the reason why loading a page can take so much time using Microsoft Edge or Firefox.

There is no doubt that the Google company has not tested its services on competing internet browsers. Well, if Google's policy changes or will continue to use its dominant position in the market, it will show the future.

If you want to activate the old Youtube model, follow these steps:

  • Go to
  • Open Developer
  • Click the Application Tab
  • Click Cookies then on
  • Find the "PREF" now to paste the value: "al = en & f5 = 30030 & f6 = 8" [19659909] Source: MSP, introductory image: clean


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