Fire in California destroys everything it puts on the street, a person came to live


The fire on Friday night struck Shasta and Keswick before approaching Redding, where about 92,000 live. The flames destroyed dozens of buildings, including the building of the historic school. "The fire spreads quickly and destroys everything that bothers him", said McLean. He added that firefighters tried to control the flame on Thursday, but that they failed.

A fire erupted in the area on Monday because of the low humidity and winds triple its range. The flames reached Whiskeytown Lake on Thursday.

  Fire in Northern California

Source: SITA / Hung T. Seen / Record Traffic Light by AP

  Northern California Light

Source: SITA / AP Photo / Marcio Jose Sanchez [19659009]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function
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