For a battle in Zilina, a prison of young men is threatened


The man runs the risk of being sentenced to four to ten years of imprisonment.

Lukas, 21, of Zilina, Tadeus, 22, from Žilina District and Peter, 23, from Žilina, are accused of crimes and injustices. The youth physically attacked a 21-year-old man on Friday, July 21, in a street in Kuzmany, Zilina.

As the TASR informed him Tuesday, spokesman for the Radka Moravcik Regional Police, the trio of the accused should then attack two other men at the age of 19 and 31 who tried to to prevent them from attacking them.

"Two of the men were injured by this attack," he added.

The investigator of the police force treated all accused of a motion to detain them. The man is likely to be sentenced to four to ten years in prison.

"We are working intensively on the case and we are carrying out all the necessary acts and measures in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure", said Moravčík

The other circumstances of the case as well as the motive of the proceedings are the subject of an ongoing investigation

Ján Kuciak

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