For nearly two-thirds of a company, the blockchain will be relevant


Bratislava, 4 February (TASR) – Nearly two-thirds of representatives from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) believe that blockchain technology is relevant to them, one-third says that acceptance is important to them and constitutes a priority. This follows from the results of the survey conducted in ten countries in central and eastern Europe, including the RS, which was part of Deloitte's global survey.

According to other results, most CEEC respondents have not yet started investing in blockchain technology and only a quarter of them have confirmed they have done so. Although 76% of respondents in this region share the idea that blockchain generally takes over, 27% of them plan to replace their existing system or elements of innovation based on this technology.

A quarter of respondents said they had already invested in the blockchain. Nearly 30% of respondents said they would invest at least 100,000 euros in this technology by 2019. "Some companies are developing client or server solutions based on blockchain technology, while other projects are underway to replace an existing system", said Michal Kopanič's partner.

According to survey participants, the most important benefits of this technology are new business models and new sources of revenue. More than half of the CEEC business representatives surveyed believe that blockchain expectations are exaggerated. Nevertheless, 45% of respondents think that this technology will change their sector and that their company will lose a competitive advantage if the blockchain does not. Representatives from the energy, technology, media, telecommunications and financial services sectors have expressed greater concern about this threat to business.

On the other hand, in the CEECs, two-thirds of respondents believe that the blockchain offers more than a new payment technology and, aside from the financial sector, will affect many sectors.

The introduction of blockchain technology is still in its infancy in the CEECs. In the United States and some Western European countries, the development phase is more advanced and companies are already moving from adoption of technology to identification and creation. practical business applications. Blockchain is growing at a slower pace than expected Central and Eastern Europe is adopting the blockchain just steps from the US and Western Europe, deciding to wait and see how situation will evolve " Copan farm of Deloitte.

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