For, Czech and Slovak companies are linked to Počiatko

[ad_1] revealed special roles for the company that provides IT system Nearly half of his shares are owned by his wife Maria Bednarak, who represented a group of caretakers. His links with Anext, associated with the former boss of Počiatko and the oligarch Brhel, are also interesting.

In 2007, GlobalTel, a consortium with Swan, acquired a contract to provide Slovakia's IT system with 50 million euros

In 2017, the National Agency for Networks and Networks electronic services (NASES) 20-milióna zmluva – develop In this case, even without competition

GlobalTel and Swan faced a criticism from the start that is complicated to use.

This year in March, NASES has already confirmed a second fine for Swan and GlobalTel – for problems with registering for data mailboxes on and delivering messages

Links to Jakobs was now examining the GlobalTel property. Miroslav Strečanský and Zora Bednarikova – for a free Fabiánová.

In 2015, Fabiánová spoke to the lawyer of Mária Bednárik, associated with a group of jugglers of mafia lists.

According to information from the register of public sector partners (anti-lock register), Bednáriková holds 45% of GlobalTel's shares. The rest of the Danubiatel group around the Ondrisov brothers

According to Bednáriková, her husband and GlobalTel do not have any joint activities. She was working in the company before she left

And Bednariq says she does not know about GlobalTel's activities. Jakšíkovcom provided only legal services. Always present in several companies related to this group.

The murder of John Kuciak

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 also concluded that Bednáriková held 45% of GlobalTel's shares as of April 4 this year. Then, for three months, Prague lawyer Jakub Masek was the owner.

From July 17, 2018 – that is to say, about two weeks ago – they are back at Bednáriková. Mašek did not mean if he owned the shares of GlobalTel as a person or if he acted on behalf of the client as a solicitor.

In his words, a lawyer can not comment on these issues. However, Mašek claims that all information provided to the antitrust register is accurate

Mašek practice at the address Týnská 1053/21 of Prague – as well as the lawyer Pavel Hrášek. These two law firms also have the same contact number.

According to, Hrášek also owns a Cypriot mailbox that took a stake in Anext. Today, he is known as LeikTec.

In the past, Anext has benefited from the state orders written by the murdered journalist Ján Kuciak. (19659003) Anext is associated with former finance minister Jan Počiatko (Smer) and oligarch Joseph Brhel.

Business Partners

Bednáriková claims that GlobalTel has no ownership relationship with LeikTec (formerly Anext). However, she admitted that LeikTec is GlobalTel's business partner

In 2015, Bednarik as Deputy Anext – still under the name Fabiánová – participated in the ITAPA conference. "I attended the ITAPA conference at the invitation of a business partner – ANEXT, who received invitations to this event," Bednáriková said.

Her husband Mário Bednárik acknowledged that she knew Jozef Chamraz, one of the shareholders of Anex. However, Bedamerika claims that Chamraz has no influence over GlobalTel

Suspicious competition

Swan and GlobalTel received a 50 million contract to supply in a competition where they were competing with IBM. 19659033]

For several years, the National Agency for Networks and Electronic Services (NASES) has refused to publish the competition documents – including the entry price of bidders.

All essential information of documents is erased.

However, it does not do so completely because, on the one hand, it is clear that IBM was a competitor, although its name is purged

It also shows that IBM would save half a million euros on the support of a module. Support for the second offered for 270 thousand euros, which is a third prize against Swan

In total, however, the offer of IBM was more expensive. The last item wanted to deliver five times compared to Swan, two million euros more

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