Four courses have a length of proceedings, the project can be extended to all


18 07. 2018

The Department of Justice has provided that the four district courts will decide the length of their proceedings.

For a family law program, they should not adjudicate a particular case for more than six months, in criminal cases for 12 months and, in civil litigation, the length of the proceedings was 20 month.

The pilot project Kolikova presented at a joint press conference with representatives of the European Commission for Effective Justice (CEPEJ), which this week is back in Slovakia. The duration of the proceedings has been set by the Ministry at the district courts of Bratislava I, Košice I, Banská Bystrica and Galanta.

"We have created a tool allowing the judge and his team to better track the case and draw attention to the system when the length of the proceedings exceeds the appropriate amount of time" , explained the secretary of state. "It should be a functional tool to shorten the length of the proceedings in order to be better controlled by the judge himself and he has been able to act," she said. Even in the pilot courts, citizens do not have the guarantee that their dispute will not exceed the deadline. In the future, according to Kolík, his passage could be related to the disciplinary responsibility towards a slow judge.

Experts from an international organization established by the Council of Europe are currently interested in how Slovakia intends to implement its actions. They discuss with the members of six working groups dealing with the topics of a new judicial map of Slovakia, the specialization of Slovak judges, the fair redistribution of financial and human resources in the courts and a new institute of Slovak justice. judge invited. According to Kolíková, she must solve the problem of the incompleteness of many Slovak courts, which have temporarily suspended the judges because of internships, maternity leave and parental leave

"We discuss the opportunity to create a judicial institution in Slovakia, work stoppages for judges, "she explained.And visiting judges want to find a department in other courts or a database of candidates for judges. who have passed the selection procedure According to the ambition of Kolík, the direction of the ministry is also legally enforced during this legislature

With regard to the new judicial map of Slovakia and the specialization of judges and courts, Kolíková explains that it is a long-term project. "Without a fair discussion where the result would be accepted by law, it would not be good," she said. explained According to Kolikova, the current state of affairs is unacceptable and a specialization essential to the quality and speed of the court's decision

The President of the CEPEJ, Georg Stawa, explained that Europe is confronted with such judicial reform. In Central Europe, according to him, the structure of the courts continues to exist since the time of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, which is the time of change. "Slovakia and Austria have to solve the problem of bringing together a large number of small jurisdictions all over the country to improve the quality of their decisions," he said, explaining that any solution must make the most of the technologies modern information. "A modern approach to justice does not mean that it's a building on which you can lock yourself in, but it's probably something you'll have through your cellphone," said the president of the CEPEJ

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