Fox just added. For total control, Sky offers more than 24 billion books


21st Century Fox (Fox), a media company, has upgraded its offering to completely dominate Sky TV. For a 61% stake not yet held by the company, she is now ready to pay £ 24.5 billion instead of the previously proposed amount of £ 18.5 billion.

The February proposal of the US media conglomerate, Comcast, was overtaken by Sky, who wanted to buy Sky for 22 billion pounds.

Fox said Sky has been upgraded with an improved offer, and UK regulators are expected to approve the deal this week. The BBC portal said Wednesday.

21st Century Fox media mogul Rupert Murdoch attempted for the first time to seize Sky for fear that a regulatory authority would expand Murdoch's influence. on the British media.

In January, the UK Office of Competition and Markets (CMA) blocked the takeover. In June, however, the British Ministry of Culture decided that Fox could use Sky to sell its Sky News channel

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