France and Malta will support a hundred migrants


France and Malta will support more than 50 migrants out of the 450 survivors of a ship that has been the focus of a migration dispute between Italy and Malta.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced Saturday night. Also from other EU countries will soon offer to accept some of the migrants Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini insists that they return to Libya or take over from Malta, but this has so far refused

The ship of the Italian Financial Police (GdF) and the Agency of the European Union for the Monitoring of External Borders Frontex has embarked 450 migrants from a fishing vessel which was Friday, according to the Italian authorities, in a Maltese maritime search and rescue area. But Malta refused to say it and said that the ship was already in Italian waters when they learned it Most of the migrants remain at sea, but aboard the Frontex ships and Italian Financial Guard

Italian Prime Minister Conte announced Saturday that France and Malta had offered to host 50 migrants. "France and Malta will take over 50 of the 450 migrants who were transferred to two warships Very fast will be followed by offers from other European states," wrote Conte on Twitters. The head of the Italian government announced this success after a day of communication with senior officials of the 27 European countries

Tale spoke of "the logic and the spirit of sharing contained in the conclusions of the European Council of the end of June " The DPA has already written that Italian medical coastguards evacuated eight women and children to the mainland. Tale Saturday, according to a spokesman for the Italian government, wrote a letter to the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and to the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, stating that Italy did not want to go to court. is more willing to solve the problem of all European countries.

Tale pointed to the last EU summit of 28 and 29 June, when Member States gave their agreement in principle to the principle of solidarity According to DPA, the Italian Government considers three options for dealing with the situation. Either migrants will be rescued "without delay" from EU member states, or they will be brought back to Libya in agreement with local authorities. The third option is to check directly on board ships, where migrants are entitled to asylum.

Ships carrying dozens of refugees across the Mediterranean are almost daily and Salvini, who is also chairman of the anti-immigration party, the League, with the five-star populist movement (M5S), stood abruptly against each migrant . (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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