Gajdoš and Luby support the Fialka sisters: she can not play with such sports!


today 11:10

The Minister of Defense of the Slovak Republic, Peter Gajdoš, and the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sports, SR Martina Lubyová, have supported the biathletists Paulina and Ivona Fialková, who Failed to agree on a representation contract with the Slovak Biathlon Federation (SZB).

READ MORE: Dukla Banská Bystrica defends Fialka's position and protects the public interest >>

The two government representatives are sportswomen and are convinced that the successful Olympians will be able to compete in the national colors at the next World Cup, which will take place in Pokljuke, Slovenia, from 2 to 9 December.

"We consider that the ban on representing Slovakia is absolutely unjustified. The Fialki sisters are members of the Dukla Banská Bystrica University and were ready to work on the national team. Their workload included considerable resources and effort from the implementation team. The FSB should also consider this in its decisions. "

"Slovakia can not play with such sports, because we have no surplus. That's why I appeal to SZB for it to come back on its decision and gain common sense. I think that a compromise will be found because our talented biathletes want to represent Slovakia and we have to allow them, "said Peter Gajdoš.

READ MORE: Paulina Fialkova talks about the treaty with the union: we want to change these things >>

Minister Luby, who pointed out that it was in the public interest to keep the Fialka sisters still representing Slovakia, is similar. "We wish to invite SZB not to impede the participation of our athletes in the performance, in the public interest, because the preparation of the sportswear has been massively carried out from public sources."

"Taxpayers' money was used for the preparation of the Fials sisters and it would be inappropriate if their contract points were to be broken by the representation.I understand that this needs to be resolved and accepted, but these claims can be resolved after the race, "said Martina Lubyová.

If the CFC does not change position and does not allow Fialkovi nurses to organize SP events, the ministry can also intervene. "If the opportunity to represent is compromised, it will also have a reverberation in the legal field.In this case, the chief sports inspector is currently responsible and, based on its findings, we can apply sanctions" added the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic.

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