Gajdoš asks to examine the paramilitary group of the Slovenian consulate, also considering the legislative measures


BRATISLAVA, July 23 ( – Defense Minister Peter Gajdoš (SNS) has lodged an appeal with the Attorney General's Office and demands verification of the activities of the paramilitary group in the Slovak branch

Gajdoš a said Monday at the press conference that only the armed forces of the RS offer the only legal means to acquire the basics of military training

They also cooperate with professional soldiers

L & Militant organization of the Slovak branch uses military uniforms and several elements that can evoke the Slovak army. Therefore, the representatives of the Ministry of Defense also want to consider legislative measures for the use of the characters of the SR armed forces to be clearly defined by law

"I lodge a complaint with the Attorney General's Office for examine the organization of Slovak branches. It is not possible for someone in Slovakia to play in the army. I would like to point out that the only legitimate way to obtain military training is the SR armed forces. We are waiting for the position of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Slovak Republic and we will take other measures " Gajdoš says:

Some professional soldiers cooperate even with brandies that according to Gajdoš, applicable laws. "But that does not mean we will leave him only in the future – if a professional soldier did not break the law, his superiors do not have the power to pursue him." added the minister.

He did not inform about the signing of the contract

The representatives of the Ministry also express their technique abandoned in the village of Dolná Krupá, where he established a base of a Russian motorcycle club , known as Night Wolves. Ján Budaj

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The Minister of Defense [Lechefdel'Institutd'histoiremilitaireMiloslavČaplovičquiaconcluuncontratavecleMuséedesvéhiculeshistoriquesdeTrnavaoùilestledirecteurdeJozefHambalekajouéunrôleclédanslalocationdematérielmilitairedéclasséIlpossèdelazonementionnéeoùlatechnologiemilitaireestactuellementenplace

In addition, Čaplovič n & # 39; not inform his superiors and Defense Minister Petr Gajdoša signed the contract with the civic association Hambálka. The ministry also ordered the inspection of the technique that is currently in museums and also requires the return of the motorcycle club area's technique by the end of August.

Night Wolves in Slovakia

Krupá near Trnava. Some media also brought aerial footage of military equipment currently in the area.

Aleksandr Zaldostanov, known as a surgeon, is a personal friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and he is covered by the anti-Russian sanctions adopted by the United States and Canada. The Night Wolves Club is known for Russian nationalism and has openly supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the pro-Russian uprising that followed in East of Ukraine

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