Gajdoš negotiated with Vice-Admiral Kilren on operations and fulfillment of commitments


"At the NATO summit, our delegation has declared both an increase in the number of soldiers in Afghanistan under valid mandate and a continuation of tasks in Latvia, and we are ready to join the new training mission. of NATO in Iraq to contribute to the improvement of the security situation ", Gajdoš said.

Vice Admiral Kilrain commended the readiness of the Slovak Special Forces operating in the framework of Operation Resolute Support in Afghanistan as well as the Mons Command. The minister also informed of the modernization projects resulting from the long-term defense development plan, focusing on the construction and development of the Slovak Armed Forces until 2030. [19659004] Gajdoš recalls that Slovakia currently has two Spartan transport planes and four multi-sport planes. UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters. At the same time, he recalled that the Slovak government has approved a proposal to purchase 14 F-16 fighter aircraft, as well as a medium, small and close radar technology. (F, f, q, f, q, f, q, f, q, …) function () {n.callMethod?
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