Gajdoš proposes to the government the purchase of American fighters F-16


On Wednesday, the material will be considered by the Security Council, the last word is the government

10. July 2018 at 21:22 SITA, TASR

BRATISLAVA. Defense Minister Peter Gajdoš recommends to the government the purchase of fourteen US fighter planes F-16 Block 70/72

They take precedence over the Swedish Gripen JAS-39 C / D, which the Ministry negotiates under the direction of Martin Glvac

This emerges from part of the presentation of the defense ministry of the Ministry of Defense Tuesday night at the meeting of the Security Council on Wednesday


There is no data on the prices of individual offers in the material, the ministry arguing that, that the producers themselves do not want to publish. According to media reports, the finance department will have to allocate more than one billion euros to new aircraft

See also: Gajdoš knows what fighters he wants for Slovakia

In the case where Pellegrini's cabinet would follow the recommendation of the Ministry Defense, the Slovak Republic will be the first country in the European Union to use these aircraft

"From the analysis of the combat aircraft change tactical and taking into account all factors such as the purchase of aircraft, ammunition,, logistics, completion of infrastructure, delivery times and other costs of transportation. Exploitation and eventual upgrade, with the prospect of using a new tactical combat aircraft on the 2040 horizon, suggests that it is better to acquire 14 F-16 Block aircraft 70/72 is available on official websites

Slovakia is still dependent on migration

According to security analysts and the political opposition, the acquisition of US aircraft is useless as Slovak pilots only take up air space protection . According to experts, the Swedish version is also cheaper

In addition, Slovakia remains dependent on the operation of the Russian Mig-29, with tens of millions of euros per year

View also: Gajdoš launches another tender

US F-16 machines may be delivered by the manufacturer within 36 months of the signing of the respective contracts while the Swedes declare 20 months

Slovakia has a subscription contract for Migov until the end of 2019, if the option is used Interestingly, the published material is part of the information on the completion of the Swedish Gripen Support Center offered by their manufacturer Saab because, until recently, competent in the defense ministry claimed that this option was not officially informed

Po (19659009) Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini postponed negotiations on fighters because he wanted to have all the necessary equipment on the table, as well as two comparable offers from the Swedish jet fighter manufacturers -39 Gripen and American fighter fighter

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