German WARR Hyperloop developed at a speed of 467 km / h


We have heard of Hyperloope, the fifth form of ground transportation, for years. Although we have not been able to make real use of it, there are dozens of companies working around the world. In addition, there is a contest for students organized by SpaceX Elona Muska, the creator of the idea of ​​Hyperloope

The Hyperloop One Capsule has been tested, largely successful

2018 SpaceX Hyperloop Under Competition took place last weekend in Hawthorne, at SpaceX headquarters. The best and most talented students from around the world have again participated in the competition. In the third year of the competition, the German team WARR Hyperloop managed to reach the speed of 467 km / h See Virgin Hyperloop One builds a track in India [19659005] However, a track of A total length of only 1.2 km was enough to allow the WARR Hyperloop special team of the Technical University of Munich to accelerate to the speed of 457 km / h in sec- stopping safely on the target.

Under the WARR Hyperloop is made of carbon fiber and powered by a 50 kW electric motor.

The team from the University of Delft in the Netherlands and EPF Loop from Switzerland Switzerland did not have as much success. Both teams suffered from problems that did not make their pods work at full capacity.

See SpaceX selected three versions of the Hyperloop podium

SOURCE | WARR Hyperloop

Despite advances in research and development of the Hyperloop transport system, we can only expect that it will be deployed realistically over the next decade, even to the best forecasts. Recently, however, we have heard about HTT's humorous projects in China

See HTT to build China's first commercial hyperloop, though only short

SOURCE | WARR Hyperloop
SOURCE | WARR Hyperloop
SOURCE | WARR Hyperloop

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