Germany is under total control of Russia, said Trump


The controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline is expected to connect Germany to Russia under the Baltic Sea, and Washington has long leaned on it.

US President Donald Trump sharply criticized Tuesday the North Stream 2 gas pipeline project. He said that Germany was under "total control" of Russia and that she was "hostage to" Moscow , AP informed

"Germany concludes a comprehensive oil deal with Russia when Russia needs to be vigilant and Germany pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia", said Trump during a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

. That's what he expressed before the start of the two-day summit of the Atlantic Alliance in Brussels. Stoltenberg stressed in this context that NATO allies are able to cooperate despite differences of opinion.

The controversial North Stream 2 pipeline is expected to connect Germany to Russia under the Baltic Sea and Washington is long blamed

Trump called Tuesday the "non-state" gas pipeline agreement

. According to critics, including several eastern countries and Ukraine, the project will only increase the EU 's energy dependence on the Russian Federation. 19659003] At the same time, he accuses Germany of not having sufficient defenses. "Germany is a rich country, it could rise (defense spending) immediately, tomorrow, and we should have no problem," Trump said.

He stressed that the United States "pay a lot of money" to protect Germany,

Already regularly

The United States have long called the allies of NATO to increase their defense spending to an agreed limit of 2% of GDP, that most of them do not reach.

"We got used to it," German Defense Secretary Ursula von der Leyen responded to Trump's words. However, she did not answer DPA 's question as to whether she did not consider it unfair that Trump had criticized Germany for Germany

. The ministry also said that Trump's criticism was somehow justified. Nevertheless, he thinks that it is not necessary to focus solely on the two per cent goal of increasing defense spending. "I would like the trader Donald Trump to look not only at the balance sheet, but also at the profit," said Von der Leyen

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