Germany received evacuees from Syria


Germany will accept eight members of the voluntary humanitarian organization Syrian Civil Protection and members of their families.

These are the ones who were evacuated by the Israeli army from the southwestern part of Syria. This was announced Sunday by the German Federal Government, whose statements were pronounced by DPA and AP. Members of the organization known as White Helmets with their families decided that Berlin would accept as refugees without having to apply for asylum According to Bild's report, the exact number of people forming the entire group is not yet known, but will be about 50.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that the activities of white helmets in Syria admiration and respect. "He stressed that this organization has saved more than lives since the beginning of the Syrian war

According to German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, providing a safe haven for these rescuers is a "humanitarian duty." He added that more than 250 White White helmets have died in the Syrian war since 2013. Germany announced Sunday that she had evacuated hundreds of white helmets and members of their families from southwestern Syria, where forces under domination in Damascus lead a successful offensive. The evacuees were transported to an unspecified neighboring country, apparently Jordan. Over the next three months, they will then transfer them to Britain, Germany and Canada Israeli media first reported that the evacuated group had about 800 people, but official sources did not confirm it. Jordanian Foreign Minister Ajman Safadi said that in reality there were only 422.

This is the first Israeli intervention of this type in the world. Syrian civil war. The army said in a statement that "an exceptional humanitarian gesture" was implemented on the basis of government regulation and demands of the United States and its European allies [19659006] in their towns and villages to solve acute humanitarian problems related to armed conflict. They acted almost exclusively in areas controlled by the Syrian opposition and were without financial support from the state – on the contrary, often becoming the target of attacks by government forces

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