Get ready for extreme heat, SHMU issued warnings


The Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ) issued several warnings against the heat

On Saturday, the 1st half warning is valid for the southern half of Slovakia. The maximum temperature of the air can vary from 33 to 34 degrees. "High temperatures represent a potential danger to human health, physical activity and fire," warns the SHM.

Saturday's warnings are valid in the following districts:


Sunday and Monday will be even hotter. In the southwestern districts, early in the afternoon, he will pay up to the second level of alert. Sunday alert SHMÚ "align =" "src =" "width =" 667 "height = "363" />

Sunday warning SHMÚ picture: SHMÚ

  Monday warnings SHMÚ 19659012] Photo: SHMÚ </span> </p>
<h2>  During the heat, hospitals in Bratislava received special measures <br /></h2>
<p>   " Increased attention in terms of beverage diet is devoted to geriatric and long-term patients and all have an unlimited amount of mixed and unsweetened tea and drinking water, as well as a sufficient amount of patient care , bed linen and shade in sufficiently ventilated treatment rooms, "said a spokeswoman for the University Hospital of Bratislava. (UNB) Eva Kliska. Among the extraordinary measures, according to his words, is the regular control of thermal conditions in clinics, departments and outpatients, the continuous monitoring of the functionality of air conditioning equipment focused on epidemiologically and hygienically demanding operations such as operating theaters, intensive care units and clinics </p>
<p>. Institute of Cardiac and Vascular Diseases (SÚWS) Sone Valášiková special measures are not necessary. "</p>
<p> At the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NÚDCH), doctors and nurses do what Dana Kamenická can do to help little patients overcome them," she said. increased stress and heat stress due to increased fluid intake or cooling to warm water. </p>
<p> Children who need it receive cold infusions. In the institution, they obscure the environment. "We have air-conditioned operating theaters, intensive care units, a bone marrow transplant unit, a neonatology clinic, a hematology and infant oncology clinic, a day clinic, a clinical clinic, Anesthesiology and intensive medicine, other clinics, laboratories in other workplaces, "added Kamenická </p>
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