Gmail app developers have access to your mail


Recently, cases of access to third-party information came from either side. The latest problem is Gmail, which allows application developers to read their users' messages

Third-party developers who program Gmail apps have access to millions of users who use a Google client for their communications. The US Wall Street Journal has proposed a message

It is very likely that a third party has access to your data. These can include the time when the message was sent, the email to which the message was sent or the content itself. When you install a new app, you can also sign in several times with your Google Account, which in some cases may also allow you to manage, read, or delete emails. Until now, many have thought that these permissions are not very important and, if necessary, reading emails will take care of your computer if necessary. But the opposite is true.


Google stated that it gave the data to third parties only after taking the user, carefully choosing the developers to provide such information. The verification process consists of obtaining information about the authenticity of the application, what the application wants to use and if it really needs it. However, in some cases, Google employees can also read e-mails

Up to now, it has been found that user data can be misused in one way or another . The whole issue, however, has elements of a recent Facebook case that sent user data to third parties. In this case, however, the social network performed this activity without the consent of the user

Even Gmail is already experimenting with the analysis of experience. Until recently, the machine was going through user accounts and was looking for messages in messages to create targeted advertising.

Source The Wall Street Journal

[19659909] Source The Wall Street Journal

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