Godal believes against Mostar in the winning night, he does not care about the situation with the fans


today 18:36

Even without the support of traditionally strong supporters, Spartaka Trnava wants to win the first round of the 2018/2019 Championship against HŠK Zrinjski Mostar in the opening match of the first qualifying round of the Championship.

READ THIS: Duel Trnava with Mostar without supporters and spectators, Suffering from injury

The midfielder will be in a chamber atmosphere, Spartak must serve the punishment of the European Football League (UEFA) and the doors of the stadium Anton Malatinský must remain locked.

Captain Boris Godal perceives the performance of his team in the league championship as a reward

"The title celebrations were beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful in the history of Slovak football, but they are behind us.In the middle of the match, a new chapter begins, the hut is mentioned only in Mostar, and I believe it will be the winning evening for us " Godal who has experience outside empty tribes when Spartak In the 2015/2016 season he joined the European League against the Hibernians (3: 0) in the closing gates of his stadium. This is true, we are professionals and we must do with, we must be frantic in our minds as if the stadium was full. "

Spartak pushes the time

two seasons at Jaslovske Bohunice, five preliminary matches with 1-2-2 The biggest problem with the new face is the fact that according to Radoslav Látala "Kadder arrived, new players came, but we tried to prepare the team for Mostarom We are very well prepared for the fitness and I believe that even after the tactics it will be good We know that the opponent has the advantage that his team plays for a long time together We have seen his last four pre-season games C is a good team, "I hope my players will play on the course what I will ask them to do, " said at a new press conference Tuesday, the new Trnava driver

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The rival expedition of Bosnia and Herzegovina arrived in Slovakia on Monday night, she said the match attributed great importance. Coach Mostaru Ante Miše said that he had a chance to see a 50:50 chance and he did not change his mind over time.

  The new coach of FC Spartak Trnava Radoslav Látal

New coach FC Spartak Trnava Radoslav Látal.

Source: SITA

"I still think it's balanced, even though we've been described as a challenge, and we're encouraged to be favorites. We know that Spartak has its strength, but our team has long been together and is very motivated to fight We believe that we have been well prepared for the match " said a native of Croatian Vukovar, who worked in front of the Mostar commitment in the years 2015-2017

At the competitions European, Mostar did not make the hole before the end of the year, but last season, LM managed to defeat in favor of NK Maribor (1: 2 home, 1: 1). The club also has experience with Slovak football, in the 2009/2010 season also in the 2 nd LM squadron played at Slovan Bratislava (1: 0 d, 0: 4 in).

The match Trnava – Mostar will lead the Belarusian judges Denis Ščerbakov, in direct transmission to RTVS on Two. (19659021) Trnava: Chudý – Kadlec, Godál, Tóth, Čonka – Kadlec, Godál, Tóth, Čonka – Greššák, Rada – Jirka, Grendel, Čanturišvili – Egho

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