Google Balls Will Spread the Internet 20 Kilometers Above Earth in Kenya – Technology – Science and Technology


  Diving, Google, Alphabet, Balloon, Internet, ...

Loon Balloons providing internet connectivity.


The idea of ​​Facebook's Internet drones did not work. The Internet will be living in remote areas of Kenya to provide Loon balloons, which are part of the Googlovo alphabet.

It is not possible to provide Internet via Wi-Fi, metal or optics everywhere.
Residents in remote areas need less reliance on alternatives
reliable and expensive solutions. Facebook and Google have come in the past
with the idea of ​​providing the Internet with drones or flying balloons
on the remote area and provide Internet connectivity.
The idea of ​​Facebook with drones did not work very well, but much more
to Google's ideas, or to its sister company, Loom, which
also belongs to the group Alphabet

The Kenyan operator will provide a connection, Loom will use it
broadcast balloons

After a series of successful tests, Loon announced that he signed
contract with Kenyan operator Tel Kenya to secure connectivity
selected region in the country. Connectivity will be provided by those mentioned
balloons that will fly in the stratosphere at a height of 20 kilometers above
sea. The arrangement of the balloons in the stratosphere at the same time does not affect the air
traffic and balloons also avoid storms or strong winds

Each of the balloons has a tennis court diameter. It's done
polyethylene and filled with helium. The electronics placed on it will be again
to power the solar panels. The operation should be maintained for several months.
Antennas will be able to broadcast the signal on a territory of 5000
square kilometers. According to the agreement, Loon will distribute the Internet via balloons
signal provided by Telkom Kenya

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