Google brings Chrome safer. The new add-on allows you to report suspicious sites


Google Chrome is trying to further protect the user in the new version 75, telling him when he is about to visit a fraudulent site or enter an incorrect address. informed Android font. In addition, the company has added to this application a useful addition that anyone can download. Chrome now offers Suspicious Site Reporter the ability to report suspicious websites with one click.

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Google Chrome is now able to alert the user with a database of potentially dangerous sites, but developers have added an add-on to the store that greatly facilitates reporting on suspicious websites. Once installed, it will be a plugin hidden under the flag next to the URL address window. small the icon changes color when it detects that the page visited by the user is not quite correct.

Sometimes, however, the concerns are premature because the orange flag is enough to make the site not the TOP 5000, informs Engadget. If a user finds something really suspicious, Google can make a mouse click on the company. send a screenshot, URL, IP address, as well as the HTML code. You can sign in for Chrome download this link.

Source: Android Police, Engadget

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