Google is under arrest in several countries in terms of tracking the position of users in Europe |


Our position is becoming an increasingly important element of private data protection. A few weeks back in the media, they had news of how to do it Google follows your position Android operating system users. We have also devoted ourselves to this subject. For example, we brought you an article where you can check the data you've collected, including the ability to edit these settings.

Several consumers EU monitoring organizations began to fight the transnational giant Google. they pretend, than followed by the break in your Google Account settings does not prevent the collection of user location data. In fact, the separate "Web Activity and Applications" settings enabled by default allow you to send location information.

The European Consumers Bureau (BEUC), a monitoring organization of the Czech Republic, Greece, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, Poland and the Netherlands, states that Google uses different methods to do it., at permission to follow the history places and activities on the web have been authorized.

"These unfair practices prevent users from knowing their personal data," said BEUC, adding: "These practices are contrary to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) because Google does not have a valid legal basis for the processing of the data.The report shows in particular that the consent given by the user in these circumstances is not free … "

spokesman society Google he responded to these allegations:

"Location History is set by default by default, and you can edit, delete, or pause them at any time (see Editors: Users)." It's up to you to help us improve our services, like traffic, your turn. "


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