Government politicians will solve the free lunch again today


In addition to lunch, the government also discusses the evolution of remuneration of municipal deputies.

A free lunch for all elementary students and the last years of kindergarten will be discussed Wednesday by the government. In addition, it also discusses changes to the remuneration of deputies in municipal councils.

The free meal is expected to represent about 517,000 children in schools, regardless of the founder. The subsidy is fixed at 1.20 euro per child for each day he attended the nursery or primary school and a meal.

The program will also include changes to the remuneration of Members of the general representations. "The law explicitly expresses the power of the mayor to determine the treatment of his deputy if the deputy mayor is a long-term unemployed deputy." The salary thus determined must reflect the extent of the function of the mayor in writing, "the rapporteurs of the positions of Mayor híd.

At the same time, they recalled that a cap is currently in place for MPs General, which means that they can receive a salary of up to one twelfth of the Mayor's annual salary. However, according to them, this is not correct because some deputies only perform a purely parliamentary mandate, others exercise functions even when they represent the mayor of the municipality. , others perform acts at different times during civil ceremonies.

Double the amount of the tax bonus

The government will also decide on some parliamentary proposals in the field of education. The amendment to the Law on Public Administration in the field of education and the autonomous administration of schools should reinforce the powers of the Public Schools Inspectorate (ŠŠI) and contribute to the reform of the system of counseling and of prevention in education.

The Government will also extend the transitional period during which an allowance may also be granted to students in a household whose assistance is physically necessary.

Ministers will also discuss the negotiations by introducing double the amount of the tax premium per child under six. The amount of the tax premium as of January 1, 2019 should rise to $ 22.17 per month for each dependent child living with a taxpayer at home.

The annual tax premium rate is set at € 266.04 per child, whether or not of preschool age. The main objective of the proposed bill is to introduce double the amount of the tax premium for each dependent child under 6 years old who lives with the taxpayer in the household.

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