Gröhling wants the education sector to skip the selection of textbooks


"Centralized supply fails, is unusable and often overpriced", SaS said a deputy. At the same time, he said that "the philosophy of the IEC is not to give schools more freedom and autonomy, but rather to centralize power and control everything in the world." ;education".

According to the plan of implementation of the National Program for Development of Education and Training, the Department of Education plans to allow schools to choose among several types of textbooks and progressive liberalization market for these manuals. "Past practice shows that centralized supply and distribution of textbooks is a more cost-effective way of providing textbooks than individual collections of textbooks," notes the Department of Education [19659006].

The Ministry states that when it buys textbooks for all schools in the Slovak Republic, it will grant publishers a preferred unit price for textbooks, which is unrealistic for individual schools at an incomparable cost. less. "The separate provision of textbooks by each school is inevitably linked to a significant increase in administrative costs directly in schools, since any separate purchase of textbooks by the school should be made in accordance with the Public Procurement Act. " ] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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