Growth started to grow on the skull: smartphones can do it


The time we spend watching your smartphone can affect different aspects of our lives. Recently, however, scientists have discovered that excessive interest in phones can cause growths in the back of the skull, just above the neck, reported Live Science.

A small growth commonly known as the bones of the head (protuberantia occipitalis external) is a common part of human anatomy. But what is not so common is to know how far it can develop in modern men.

"I've been working in medicine for more than 20 years, but it's only been 10 years since I've seen bone hypertrophy in my patients.Says David Shahar, scientist at the Sunshine Coast University in Australia.

The exact origin of the proliferation is not yet clear, but scientists and doctors have a very real theory. Growth must occur with unnatural head flexion, especially when using smart devices. The human head is surprisingly heavy, with an average of 4.5 kg, which makes it excessively likely to have adverse effects on our health.

"SMS" neck

The phenomenon when people overload their throat muscles by looking at the phone called Scientists "Text Neck", in free translation neck cream. It occurs when more pressure is exerted on the head where the muscles attach to the skull when the head is tilted. The body responds to this phenomenon by excessive growth of the bone.

Looking at the results of young patients at age from 18 to 30 years scientists and doctors were a little surprised. As a rule, the humerus measures about 5 millimeters in diameter. When enlarged, its size moves to a level 10 mm.

The 218 measurements were magnified at 41% people. 10% whose bone of the head was big 20 mm. The enlargement of the bones of the head is more common in men. The largest of them measured on average 35.7 mm.

However, doctors are calming people. Growth does not cause any health problems. But one thing is clear. We should all be working on postural and telephony restrictions.

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