Guardian murder: Judgment after 10 years


Ten years after the murder, the court pronounced the first unjustifiable sentence in the case of the murder of the guardian Ľubomíra C († 62) in Dunajská Lužná (district of Senec).

District Court of Bratislava I sent Lukáša R. (34 years old) of Nitra to prison for 22 years. The judgment is inoperative, the accused has appealed.

According to the prosecutor Ľubomír C. († 62) in the field of family houses in Dunajska Lužná (Senec district), he accused and sacrificed about 30 euros today 34 Lukáš R. de Nitra , a year old, who worked on the building. From the beginning of the investigation, Luke denies his guilt. He claims that the guard found blood in the pool, but in his words, he was murdered by another man. Proof of the accused Luke R. is a blood attacker found on his clothes

 Lukáš Roháček Open the gallery

Lukáš R. was detained after his arrest in 2008. In 2009, he was released by the Bratislava District Court. When he came to freedom, he came to two audiences, but more. Later, the police, Lukáš R., were arrested and the judge again placed him in the detention of the investigation, which he later released. Later he returned behind bars – after charges of armed robbery at Nitra (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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