Half Lovato (25 years old) is rendered with heroin!


Half Lovato (25 years old) was transferred to the hospital after a heroin overdose.

Currently it is stabilized, it is written on the Metro portal. Half was immediately hospitalized at the Los Angeles Hospital According to available sources, she was taken away from her home in Hollywood Tuesday afternoon

Everyone hopes that she is fine The singer has been fighting for many years for alcohol and drug addiction, but she successfully defeated cocaine addiction in March 2018. On Monday night, Demi was out and celebrating her birthday d & # 39; birthday. She seemed to be really happy and satisfied, she also posted a photo of the party on Instagram.

Lovato immediately received Narcan, who is used in similar situations. All the incident took place only a month after the singer released the song "Sober", in which she admired her addiction. "Mom, I'm sorry I'm not more conscious, my eyes, sorry for all the drinks I can spill on the floor," the words of the song say

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