Harry, do something! Father Meghan and the Duchess try to enter the house of fools


Thomas Markle recently tried to take the media at any cost and even with someone. Scandals, afraid of the girl and after the new lies. Has Meghan's source told the truth, or is it just another story?

The Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry come from Father Meghan, Thomas Markle, all the more frustrated. The former voyeur claims that his goal is not to attract the attention of the media, but to protect his daughter. Meghan, according to her words from the royal family, suffers from stress and suffers. "I've seen him smile for years, I do not like what I see now.It's not a sincere smile, but a fake and painful one," recently revealed to the Sun.

  Thomas Markle publishes articles on the joy of his daughter ...

Thomas Markle publishes articles on the joy of his daughter. .

Photo: Internet

Interestingly, the duchess does not look like that, and with Harry, she literally shines on every event. After the scandal that Thomas Markle did before the wedding, he lost another lick. And that's about his health. Was it so desperate for Thomas that he had to lie about his health?

  Meghan Markle and Prince Harry visiting Ireland

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry visiting Ireland

Picture of Samir Hussein

Father Meghan stated in Good Morning Britain that he was being treated for a heart attack at the Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center in Mexico. According to Foreign News, however, the clinic said that no names of Thomas Markle appear in their medical records. "The whole history of Father Meghan's intervention was only imaginary," Thomas Markle (73) "class =" lazyload "data-sizes =" auto "data-src =" https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/1024px/?position=c&quality=74 "data-srcset =" https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/288px/?position= c & quality = 74288w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/448px/?position=c&quality=74 448w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/608px/?position=c&quality=74 608w, https : //images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/800px/? position = c & quality = 74 800w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/992px/?position=c&quality=74 992w, https: //images.nmhmedia .sk / xufzwbqic6 / 1024px /? position = c & quality = 74 1024w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/1280px/?position=c&quality=74 1280w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/1440px /? position = c & quality = 74 1440w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/1600px/?position=c&quality=74 1600w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/1800px/?position=c&quality= 74 1800w , https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/1920px/?position=c&quality=74 1920w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/2200px/?position=c&quality=74 2200w "/>

Thomas Markle (73) "class =" lazyload "data-sizes =" auto "data-src =" https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/1024px/?position=c&quality=74 "data-srcset =" https : //images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/288px/? position = c & quality = 74 288w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/448px/?position=c&quality=74 448w, https: //images.nmhmedia .sk / xufzwbqic6 / 608px /? position = c & quality = 74 608w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/800px/?position=c&quality=74 800w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/992px /? position = c & quality = 74 992w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/1024px/?position=c&quality=74 1024w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/1280px/?position=c&quality= 74 1280w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/1440px/?position=c&quality=74 1440w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/1600px/?position=c&quality=74 1600w, https: / /images.nmhmedia .sk / xufzwbqic6 / 1800px /? position = c & quality = 74 1800w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/1920px/?position=c&quality=74 1920w, https://images.nmhmedia.sk/xufzwbqic6/2200px /? position = c & quality = 74 2200w "/>

Thomas Markle (73)

Photo: Profimedia

"He had to find good reasons not to participate in the wedding and to avoid any attack on his address because of the photos he had made and paid, and now everything the world loves it but should not .. Meghan is rather sorry, " says the source of a nearby Duchess


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