HC 07 Detva – DVTK Miškovec


In the third third, we saw two specific interventions supported by the guests. 45 minutes into the game, Magosi were uncomfortable with the crowd, and Magosi converted a pass coming in from the left hand side of the pass which gave the visitors a chance to take the lead. This is all on my side, I wish you a pleasant rest of the day.


In the end, the home team tried with six skaters, but the final pressure did not bring them the equalizer.


Pance is now well into the attack zone, but he has failed to defeat the Fekiaca defender and the hosts have to defend themselves.


Full Home


In the third third, guests were able to rotate the status of this game and they will now have another game.


Exclusion in the team HC 07 Detva (Kuklev – 2 min kick off).


Miškovec scored a goal!

Customers enter for the first time. BENCE SZIRÁNYI took advantage of a defeat of his local defense to leave him alone against Petrík, who had not had the chance to react to the first goal.
Assistance: Alexis Loiseau.


Kulmala scored a third goal in hockey, but in the good position in front of the goalkeeper, he could not send the puck to the back of Petrik.


Frederik Fekiač tried to find Gljak with a pass, but he still did not have the chance to end up with a penalty.


The whistle now finds the Shurk who tried it with a shot from behind the circle, but found only the vigilant Vaya.


The pace of the game has now dropped a bit and none of the players wants to be wrong and score the third goal.


Below you will find the last ten minutes of this meeting, where the status is still undecided.


Now the guests did not understand when they started playing and blamed themselves for a forbidden release. The game takes place in front of Vaya where it will be launched.


Ščurko was trying to sprint on his wing but his shot from the left peeked over the bar to fall behind the net.


The guests managed to settle in the offensive zone, where they sent an unpleasant shot at the blue line with which Petrík had minor problems.


The home team did not take advantage of the opportunity offered, but on the other hand, it gained priority and the score was 2: 2.


The guests are in full.


Miškovec scored a goal!

The guests were able to face the many disadvantages. BÁLINT MAGOSI was walking alone against Petrik and the shot from the local goalkeeper could not be compensated by the score.


Exclusion in the team DVTK Miškovec (Harrison – 2 min., Holding).


The Slovak received a good pass on the blue line until he tried the shot from first base, but the puck did not play perfectly and Petrík did not have to intervene.


Gašpar shot the puck well to the attack zone, where he finished, but Vay saw it and easily grabbed the puck.


The third third has begun.

In the second third, we saw two specific interventions. At first, Alexis Louseau was able to equalize the guests after 32 minutes. However, Jozef Sládok went home for 12 seconds before the end.


The second third is over.


Exclusion in HC 07 Detva team (Hraško – 2 min., Roughness). Exclusion in the team DVTK Miškovec (Loiseau – 2 min., Roughness).


Exclusion in HC 07 Detva team (Hraško – 2 min., Roughness). Exclusion in the team DVTK Miškovec (Loiseau – 2 min., Roughness).


Detva gave a goal!

The local team again takes the lead when it uses the game. Hraško tried with a shot from the blue line, that JOSEF SLÁDOK was still in front of goal and that Vay had no chance to touch.
Assistant: Peter Hraško, Viktor Fekiač.


Exclusion in the team DVTK Miškovec (Kulmala – 2 min., Illegal defeat).


Szirányi is now in the assault zone, where he was also hit by the blue line, but that end was swept by the Petřík gate.


Valentin could have added a second goal to the local team when he waited for the deflated puck, but he could not get a better position in the right position.


Kulmala has now been waiting for the deviated puck, but his hitting circles only swept the Petrik gate.


National hockey players did not understand when they played and they blamed themselves for a banned release. This will be to Peter's right.


Loiseau's well-worked foot, but he missed the goal of his teammates. However, Petrik will be able to continue the game.


The hosts were able to score the goal and boast of deserving because, in the second third, they are overall better.


Miškovec scored a goal!

The guests managed to settle down. A nice action of the visiting team, after which the only ALEXIS LOISEAU, who managed to manage the puck in the direction of the concrete Petřík, is completed.
Support: Bálint Magosi, Bence Szirányi.


Half of regulation time is already behind us, and home hockey players still have the slightest lead in the game.


You relaxed well in the assault zone, but his shot behind the circles failed to make his way between the three Petrik & Gate's lifts.


Pance is now perfectly well in front of Loiseau, who is quite loose and who has not yet managed to shoot Petrika one hundred percent.


For his part, Ščurko was well relaxed, but his shot in the circles managed to block the Slovaks outside the Vay Gate.


Visitors have increased their activity but still can not set a goal and Petrík strikes easily.


Frederik Fekiač had a good opportunity to give the team a goal after 20 minutes, but the keeper gave a good head start. Vay's players seemed to think that their job was over and that they were behaving more defensively, waiting for the final whistle.


Crawford now sends a good pass to Kulma, but he can not shoot in defense before the goal.

11:48 p.m.

The home hockey players have now managed to defend themselves only at the cost of the banned release and the game moves to Petriko where he will be defeated.

10:42 p.m.

Somogyi could have scored the equalizing goal, but he was unable to position himself correctly, so the situation will not change.

9:06 p.m.

Now it's better to hide the puff rate in the middle of the field and both units can send cool energy on the ice.

8:01 p.m.

The second third started.

In the first third, Rastislav Gašpar put 6 seconds before the end.

8:00 p.m.

The first third is over.

7:54 p.m.

Detva gave a goal!

The home team at the end of the first third of the match opens the scoring. RASTISLAV GAŠPAR was well placed in the space between the circles and Vaya surprised the shot.
Support: Martin aloga, Martin Chovan.

6:42 p.m.

The king is now trying to find a free toy, but the puck has disappeared and must quickly return to his own area to end the guests' attack.

5:31 p.m.

Hajós now has a good puck shot against the puck in the assault zone, but home hockey players who took advantage of their high prevalence in the mantinels can finally attack.

4:08 p.m.

Murcek has now a double in the right position, but he has not managed to score the first goal at home.

3:48 p.m.

At the end of the first third, we have less than five minutes left and we are still waiting for the first success of this meeting.

2:23 p.m.

But now, he managed to pick up the puck in the attack zone, but he did not finish in the right position because the puck missed him at the last minute.

1:45 p.m.

Many inaccuracies on both sides and so the puck is fighting mainly in the middle zone.


The home team attack was just behind Hraško, but the home team goalkeeper could block the shot.


Crawford was hit by a blue line, but Petrik saw this end and managed to remove the puck with the concrete on the right.


Gilad could have opened the scoring for the match, but Kralova's good pass scored only the goalkeeper's goal.


At this point, the guests can only defend themselves at the cost of a forbidden exit, and then the game is transferred to Vaya where he will be defeated.


Full Home


The good defense activity of the Detva players, who managed to get the puck out of the group and the guests, leaves only the last seconds with a high prevalence.


The first play game is here for the guests and could immediately get in the lead, but Pance could not hit the empty door because the puck had skipped him the stick.


Exclusion in HC 07 Detva team (Ščurko – 2 min., Illegal defeat).


The home hockey players managed to settle in the attack zone, but they did not make a good shot.


In Game 5 to 5, Yaloga reached the end of the circle, but his attempt ended only in Vaya.


The guests are in full.


The first game of this game is a national hockey player who has not yet managed to fight the assault bands.


Exclusion in the team Miškovec DVTK (Crawford – 2 min., Hanging).


Valent is now well into the assault zone, from where he tried to shoot from behind the defense, but Vay was cautious and easily grabbed the puck.


For now, Detva's hockey players are in the running, but will have to start their offensive action right behind their own doors.


The introduction of this match begins with a banned release of hosts and the game moves on Vaya where it will be launched.


The meeting has just started.

Both teams are already entering the ice zone and the game will begin in a moment.

Introductory meetings:

HC 07 Detva: Petrík (Zalivin) – Chovan Mar., Kuklev, Sládok, Hraško, Fekiač F., Šimon, Gachulinec, Surový – Ščurko, Murček, Puliš – Fekiač V., Gašpar, Gašpar, Statue – – King, Valentin, Gilad

DVTK Miškovec: Adorjan (Vay) – Crawford, Kiss, Szirányi, Slovák, Goz, Milam, Ladá – Pance, Vas, Kulmala – Harrison, Loiseau, Magosi – Miskolczi, Galanisz, Somogyi – Somogyi – Ritó, Hajós, Vojtkó

Referee: Konc street, Novák – Výlet, Rojík – Neuzer (video).

Welcome to this online text transfer. The 27th round of the sportsport league will take place in which the teams HC 07 Detva and DVTK Miškovec will compete. The start of this meeting is scheduled for 18:00.

HC 07 Detva:
The home team in 28 games this season has managed to score 33 points for 10 wins and 18 losses with a score of 71:94. This is enough for the 10th place of the table. On the last lap, they went to Liptovský Mikuláš, where they beat 05:04 in a thrilling duel. The point is Puliš, who managed to amass 27 Canadian points (8G-19A). He has won just 13 points in 14 home games and will try to correct this bad balance in this duel.

DVTK Miškovec:
The away team is 9-2-4-14 with a score of 74:86 in the competition. With 35 points, they placed 8th in the current table. In the last round, they hosted the local stadium Zvolen, which clearly beat 4: 0. The most productive player of this unit is the 29 points (9G – 20A) János Vas. They do not suffer too much from their rivals when they score only 11 points out of 14 matches. They will want to increase the number in Detve.

Detva's hockey players, who beat Miškovec for the last time 5-2 in this stadium, are the least likely.

Welcome to the online transmission. The meeting will begin at 18:00.

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