. Director Jérôme Cornuau, a French director, has several internationally successful films, including the Tigro Brigade. or Chic!
"Štefánik represents an unbelievable connection between Slovakia, Czechoslovakia, France and Europe.His fate is extremely interesting as it has moved in the environment to shape the Europe of Europe. "Today," said Cornuau, according to which the film wants to capture the dramatic time, but also the psychology of a great personality in the fateful historical breaks. "Even in the art, it will be a combination of a realistic vision and a certain breakthrough style of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries," adds the director.
A Slovak actor, Milan Ondrik, will perform the role of Štefánik, who sees his character as a great challenge. "Many people perceive Stefan through a photo in a general cap, but Štefánik was a multi-faceted and provocative personality whose story does not even take place in a single film," says Ondrik, who, according to his words , associates with Štefánik that he also comes from the village and that he is the sixth child of the family. "I firmly believe that our director will be able to imagine his life as faithfully as possible, but of make it as authentic as possible. And I would like Milan Ondirik to be credible Milan Štefánik, "said the actor
. The film is created with the support of the Audiovisual Fund, RTVS and other partners, alongside the three-part television series.
TASR informed Milan Kasard of the Yellow Elephant Agency
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