He did not want a national cultural monument of Astoria Café


The mayor claims that it is a historic building which, by its location, appropriately completes the character of the locality located in the historic center of Bratislava. The Monuments Office of the Slovak Republic has asked the capital Ivo Nesrovnal to declare the former Astoria café in Sucho myto, near Hodzovo Square, as a National Cultural Monument (NKP)


The mayor argues that it is a historic building which, by its location, appropriately completes the character of the locality located in the historic center of Bratislava

" The interconnection of the building with the surrounding area shows important historical and social values ​​that aims to protect the capital for the next generation and thus prevent the total loss of cultural memory and the identity of the city of Bratislava, "said Nesrovnal


Important Theater

Astoria has several meanings from the historical, architectural, cultural and social point of view.

In addition to the classic coffee services, he also provided extraordinary events, including a gypsy production of live music

"Bola" the refuge of "many well-known cultural personalities from the field of politics, from Music, Literature and Visual Arts In 1926, the first direct broadcast took place here in Bratislava.The Café was an important point in the cultural and social map of the First Republic, "said Onufer.

The second function of the building – the headquarters of the Astorka Theater – was very distinct from a social point of view and contributed to cultural and artistic life

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The object should therefore, according to the city, be preserved, given its past and its location in the city center, continue to be a cultural and social function

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