He is brave with love, Matovič offered places on the list


It proposes half of the cities on the NGO's list of candidates.

June 10, 2019 at 11:51 (updated on June 10, 2019 at 12:58 pm) TASR

BRATISLAVA. It is time to fight for the cleansing of Christian politics and bring it back to its place.

On Monday, Igor Matovič, leader of the OLOANO opposition movement, announced the creation of a new wing of the movement called Brave.

Thus, the WHO wants to fight for Christians who do not trust the existing Christian political parties and therefore do not vote for them.

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He will boldly have half the seats on the ballot

Matovic said that for the new platform, half of the money on the list of candidates offered half.

"Until now, our movement has been on one foot – the ordinary people, the anti-corruption movement.After today, we decided to stand on the other leg, the movement brave ordinary Christians, "said Matovic.

He states that this does not change the value of LOSS nor the belief that it is "necessary to eradicate" corruption in Slovakia.

Read also: Matovic: Fico drowns Direction in the electoral circle

"We want to invite people who feel Christian and expect Christians to fight for the poor, the sick and the weak," said LEADER.

He stressed that they wanted to make an offer to Christians who can not and do not trust existing Christian parties.

"The role of Christians in politics is not to order, forbid or preach about morality," said Matovic, adding that it was not about 39, an attack on the KDH or other Christian parties.

But he says that there are many people who consider themselves Christians but who do not have representatives in politics. "Of the 100 Christians, only six vote on the Christian side," said the leader, LNO.

Space for new people

Platform Bold is, in his words, a long-term plan. Its creation was approved by the Movement's presidency in March.

Matovic says they will "share the plate" and propose half of the list of candidates for next year's parliamentary elections for people "who consider themselves ordinary Christians, even imperfect" .

The movement also offers half of its savings for the platform. Matovic says that the current members of the movement will not join this wing, will invite new people. As a result, the March also launches the website.

Undecided Remišová

Igor Matovic added that he would be happy that his party colleague, Veronika Remišová, remains in the movement.

However, he thinks that the "stretches and windings" every six months, whether he quits or not, should be removed. Matovic said that waiting for Remišová's decision was already hurting him.

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"We love it and we would like Veronika to stay with us and not be tempted to go see Andrej Kisk," said the LAGO leader.

Last week, he said, he was represented by a meeting of 30 people from the movement and the chairman of the parliamentary group Remišová. "She said that she was still making decisions," Matovic said.

He is convinced that the outgoing president of Kiska, who announced the creation of his own party, will do everything for Remiš to surrender to his party. "We let it decide and comment freely," he said. MEP Gabor Grendel (RESPONSIBLE) declined Kisko's offer and would stand on the list of candidates.

Asked why Remišová did not attend Monday's press conference to set up a new platform for the Braves, Matovic said it was a freedom of movement.

Remišová respects but does not support the platform

Veronika Remišová said that she respected the decision to create a new wing – The Brave – that will be brave, who wants to reach out to Christian voters, but will not participate.

"I went to politics to fight for justice, including social justice, equal for everyone, whether or not considered a Christian," she said, continuing to fight corruption. she has done it so far.

He says that Slovakia must look for what connects people and not what divides them.

According to her, the line of demarcation should not be whether someone is considered a Christian, an ordinary Christian or what he does not believe in God.

"As far as LOVE is concerned, I am not a member, but I have always tried to make LOVE a real movement, to work with the inhabitants of the regions and to be able to apply the measures that citizens need in Slovakia. open and honest, and trying to get things done in a constructive way, "she said.

He does not think that criticizing what does not work should be considered offensive. He states that he is currently preparing his parliamentary meeting with his colleagues in the group. "We are working normally," she said.

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