He is only 17 years old and will probably be the first person on Mars. He might never see his parents again


What was your childhood dreaming about? Did you want to be a burglar, a ballet dancer, a cop or an astronaut? The last dream was one of us. Today, Alyssa Carson, 17, of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, dreamed of flying in the universe at the age of 3 years. It seems to do it. She set a bold goal. He will be the first man on Mars

The colonization of Mars ceases slowly but surely to be an unattainable dream. According to SpaceX founder Elona Muska, we have no choice. There are only two scenarios. One is that a person will remain a resident of the planet Earth, but sooner or later it will mean its extinction. The second option is to become a cosmic civilization and an interplanetary species. Musk has a clear choice

Well, a mission that can be a breakthrough for humanity must be intensely prepared. The planned flight to the Red Planet is to take place only in 2033, but the hot name is already known to become the first man to enter the planet. That's Alyssa Carson, a friendly girl who is still attending high school.

A girl who does not lose

Alyssa excels in many ways and can see that this girl has great potential. First, she successfully passed the NASA Passport Program required to travel to the training center. She is already preparing to become an astronaut. After completing the program, she received a certificate to open new opportunities. She began intensive training and, in addition to intensive training, she was studying high school in four languages, which she could certainly do thanks to the involvement of experts from different countries. of the world.

"This is not easy.The biggest challenge for me was to align all these tasks with the general life of a high school student, but that's what it's all about. The fact that I started training at such a young age is very difficult, but on the other hand, I am grateful to have managed to go so far. " claims Alyssa

Alyssa is also a great source of motivation, which is a living example of choosing to follow her dreams. She says she's been inspired by women who have become astronauts.

A little atypical high school student

At first glance, Alyssa looks like a fragile girl, but she seems to be deceiving. He does not lose his inner courage, the power of mind or intelligence. She is confused with everything. Even with the fact that they will probably never see their parents again

But they acclaim it. Already in her childhood, she allowed him to visit space camps in the United States, which confirmed that she was an astronaut. This girl chooses not to walk in her life. But like humans, humanity needs salt

source: interez.sk

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