He showed that he did not want political capital


Anton Ziolkovsky thanked the members for their attitude to tighten interruptions. He thanked both Danka and Fica for their generosity of having voted for a free year. Status withdrawn later.

Last week, Parliament did not pass an amendment to the law on artificial interruption, which would restrict access to abortions. However, the proposal of non-attached MEP Richard Vašeček did not find support from the majority but was supported by several coalition and opposition MPs.

Anton Ziolkovsky, executive secretary of the Bishops' Conference of Slovakia, said he appreciated the unity.

"I want to thank 46 brave and courageous MPs from all walks of life who have publicly pledged to protect their lives and who were willing to vote for a law that would improve the situation," he wrote Friday on the social network. .

Kotleb, Danko and Fic

A special thank you thanked not only the presenter, but also Marián Kotleb and his LSNS.

"And I would also like to thank Mr. Kotleb and his party for the fact that the subject was reopened before the start of the legislature.Today, it suddenly withdrew its proposal to allow more people to vote for the same subject, in fact he showed that it was a business and not just political capital, "he wrote.

Ziolkovsky also thanked the two most powerful coalition parties, Robert Fic and Andrei Danko, for their "generosity and confidence in giving their MPs the freedom to vote".

This morning, his status fell. We asked for an answer to the Conference of Bishops of Slovakia.

Status of Anthony Ziolkovsky on social networks


photos in the gallery

Theme of abortion

Kotleba opened the subject of tightening access to abortions last year. The motion was tabled in Parliament twice, but was not voted on once. For the first time, MPs decided not to vote and for the second time they did not have the time to resubmit six months later.

The proposal was submitted by the LSNS at the current meeting, but was eventually withdrawn.

He praised the party, one side fighting for the protection of life, on the other, he accused the Slovak state, which had sent many people to death. Families with children gave checks at 1488 euros, which could be a combination of numbers, which is a well-known neo-Nazi reference.

The number 14 means in the slang of the far right fourteen words of the American neo-Nazi terrorist David Lane: "We must ensure the existence of our people and the future of white children – We must ensure the existence of our people and the future of our white children. " Two eighths signify the eight letters of the alphabet twice in a row. This is the letter H, the Nazi salute "Heil Hitler".

Their counterpart, Milan Mazúrek, spoke verbally to the Muslim family with a child to whom someone later threw stones.

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