Health insurance companies receive millions of euros for the dead insured, this may be a mistake in the data


BRATISLAVA, July 4 ( – About 5.5 million euros a year, the average for the years 2012 to 2016, will receive health insurance companies in the form of drugs. insurance for "dead souls".
(MFP) at the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic, they are insurers in the register of already deceased insurers but death insurers do not have information, as a rule, they are state insurers, so most of the insurance for dead souls comes from the state budget

"However, insurance companies continue to pay back the health care that They have provided to their providers (general practitioners, hospitals, pharmacies and others) .Every year, according to the IFP, several thousand health costs for people who have been declared dead for years

Predominate men [19659004] "The cause may be a data error with a health care provider or health insurance company that has been incurred, for example, when a birth number has been registered. "Dead souls – people registered by health insurance companies, despite being dead, are mostly among the oldest insured and they are mostly men." People over 80 are registered in insurance companies a thousand more than the number of inhabitants according to the Statistical Office (ŠÚ SR).

"Higher differences are among men.The disparity between insurance companies and ŠÚ SR among men over the age of 80 is 32%, women of the same age in the companies of 16% more insurance In the group of insured persons aged 100 and over, insurance companies represent nearly 6 times more men and nearly 4 times more women, according to the ŠÚ SR. IFP analyst, Michaela Chernenko, explains:

The existence of dead souls is likely to cause the expulsion or possible deportation of the le Ú Ú Ú………………… [[[[[[[[[[[[[InsuredafterdeathThehealthinsuranceisautomaticallyborninSlovakiaofbirthbutitextinguishedbydeathorbydeclarationtoanotherinsurancecompany"
" In case of death in health facilities, health insurance is likely to be promptly informed .In other cases, insurers should receive information on the death of the matrices. The problem is that of deaths abroad when information on deaths in Slovakia have not been received or with a significant delay, "explained the analyst.

The deaths of the Insured persons generally represent minimal costs, resulting in underestimation of the average cost.According to the IFP, this leads to a growing error in the estimation of future health costs and causes the aging of the population
. "The existence of dead souls makes that people over the age of 95 seem on average healthier than men 25-34 years old the universe is the healthiest. The concentration of dead souls in some age groups may lead to an underestimation of the cost of this group. In the end, it can affect the income of insurers for the second time – in the process of reallocating premiums, "said Chernenko.

Legislative Changes

There have been several positive changes in legislation over the last two years. which has decreased by 37% between 2014 and 2015. Another improvement can be made by the amendment of the law on health insurance in force since January 2018. The DZSS checks each year 0.2 ‰ of the insurers of the reports d & rsquo; Health insurance

. according to the IFP, it is necessary to completely clean the records of health insurers, while it is important to actively inspect the duration of the insurance relationship for groups of people. Identified insureds and link existing registers
"The only problem is the death abroad of the past, for which information on Slovakia has never been received and also constitutes a problem for d & # 39; 39, other public databases.In other words, the reliable reference register of natural persons can be registered as a long-term resident abroad. "The analyst concluded.
More about the topics: dead souls, health insurance, health insurance Source: – Health insurance companies receive millions of euros for deceased policyholders, it may be a mistake to data © SITA All

Source and photo: SIT A

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