Helping the boys also offered a famous billionaire


The American billionaire Elon Musk has sent to Thailand an expert team to evaluate how members of a youth football team captured in a cave can help.

SpaceX musk companies and The Boring Company could help pinpoint the precise location of boys, pump water or provide powerful battery cells by Tesla Powerwalls, Bloomberg quoted Muskov Friday as saying . If the Thai government accepted the offer, it was not immediately known

" I think the Thai government controls the situation, but I would like to help ," wrote Musk on the social network of Twitter.

<img id = "img-5b3f673ce51a0" class = "lazy_load" src = "" data-1024 = " 640 ~ Sk-sen-mu-pot-pa-ovi-trv-6-hod-nkm-sa-dostane-k-uv-znen-m-chlapcom.jpg? T = LzI2MHgxNzQvdG9wL3NtYXJ0 & h = H0ueEFMDSyihnzY0MpmmOA & e = 2145916800 & v = 2 "data- 1024×2 = " The 12 young footballers and their trainer, who were caught in a cave in northern Thailand, discovered Monday two British divers. However, the effort to save them complicates the narrow passages and rising water in the cave system Most boys aged 11 to 16 can not swim

Research he started inside the cave complex Tcham Luang Nang No in Chiang Rai province on June 23rd. In addition to diving off the Thai Navy, teams from the US Army and Australia were involved in the quest.

According to the available information, a team of footballers with a coach went to an exploration of the cave. (1969009)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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