Hercule Poirot at the Halloween party


Agatha Christie was one of the most popular detective writers for decades – not only in the world but also in Slovakia. Many of his books are published each year, and it is good that the publisher exceeds those that have not yet been published in English.

  Agatha Christie:

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Finally, Agatha Christie has written more than 80 novels, short stories and plays, so she is still in the process of being published. And it's amazing to sell more than two billion units in English and another billion in 103 language mutations.

The Halloween party was written in 1969 and was one of his last books. Until now, however, she has never been to Slovak, so we can finally read the story. Now also as an eBook, you can download it now on a reader or tablet.

In addition to Hercules Poirot, detective author Ariadne Oliver – the alter ego of the author – is a legendary writer. The book is all we have at Queen Detective. A special and persuasive style of writing, exciting and exciting situations that already inspire you.

During the Halloween party, involving well-known writer Ariadne Oliver, thirteen-year-old Joyce Reynolds claims to have witnessed a murder. She did not tell anyone about it, because I later thought that it was really a murder. There is no one to believe in a girl who has the reputation of being worthy of praise, so she decides to leave to protest

But for a few hours she finds her in the house – drowned in a kadi with water and apples. Inspired by Ariadne Oliver, Joyce wonders if Joyce is just telling the truth and asking for the help of her friend Hercula Poirot …

Halloween is the fifth book Hercule Poirot launches on Traces of the caricature of Agatha Christie, Mrs. Oliver. It is also one of two books in which a murderer becomes a child (the other is Game and Murder).

Read Chapter 1 of the Halloween Bookings:

Mrs. Ariadne Oliver was visiting my girlfriend Judith Butler and the two women helped to prepare a children's party to be held that evening.

At that time, a fierce activity was in place at home. Energetic women came and went, moved chairs, tables, flower vases, and brought a lot of orange tealots strategically deployed in designated places

It was supposed to be a Halloween party for them guests from ten to seventeen years old. Oliver pulled away from the main group, leaned against the bare wall, took a big orange pumpkin in his hand and looked at it critically. "Last time, I saw her last year in the United States," she said, removing her gray hair from her forehead. "There were hundreds of them all over the house, I've never seen so many things before, I do not know at all," she added thoughtfully, "what's the difference between the pumpkin and pumpkin What is it? "" Sorry, darling, "Ms. Butler is excused by hitting her friend's leg. Mrs. Oliver moved closer to the wall, "My guilt," she said. "I'm right here and I'm stuck watching so much pumpkin or pumpkin, whatever it is, but it really caught me." They were everywhere: in shops and homes. In some candles burning candles or light bulbs, others have been overshadowed.I really liked it.It was not Halloween but Thanksgiving Day.Pumpkins have always been associated with it. Halloween, but it is late October. Thanksgiving celebrates much later, is not it? Until November? The third week of November? Alt In all case, Halloween is definitely October 30. First Halloween, and then? Monument to the deceased? At that time, Parisians go to the cemeteries and lay flowers on the graves.But it is not a sad holiday. Also go there and they like that, but first you have to stop at the market and buy a lot of beautiful The flowers are far from being as beautiful as on the Paris market. "

Some of the busy women sometimes came to Mrs. Oliver, but she did not even hear one.They all focused on their tasks.They were mostly mothers of children and old Two clever boys of sixteen and seventeen licked the ladders and chairs and tied the ornaments, pumpkin, dyne and colored glass balls to the right height, girls from eleven to fifteen laughter was standing in the distance.

"And after the Destroyed Monument, All Saints Day comes," Mrs. Oliver continued, dropping her massive figure on the back of the sofa. "

" I do not want call this halloween party, even if it's really true, "said Ms. Drake, a pretty middle-aged woman. "It will be a party for eleven years since they are about this age, especially for those leaving the local school for a bachelor's degree."

"But that's not quite right, Rowena, "objected Miss Whittaker, and uncomfortably corrected her nerve. Miss Whittaker was a local teacher and she cared a lot about accuracy. "In this age group, the tests were canceled earlier."

Mrs. Oliver apologizes for getting up from the couch. "I'm not using it at all.I'm just sitting and tattooing the stupidity of pumpkins and dynia." With her legs unbuttoned, she thought with slight remorse of conscience, but not with the guilt feeling that she was feeling. she would have to admit aloud, "What can I do?" "What a beautiful apple!" She shrugged.

Someone just brought a big bowl of apple into the room. Mrs. Oliver was very happy with apples

"They are beautiful red," she added. "They are not good," said Rowena Drake, "but they are kind and good at the party. The children will fish them with water without teeth. They are quite soft, so they can easily break into it. Do you want to take them to the library, Beatrice? There is a lot of water in this game, but I do not care about the old carpet of the library. Oh, thank you, Joyce. "

Joyce, a three-year-old girl, took a bowl of apples in her hands, two of them creaked and, miraculously, stood at Mrs. Oliver's feet.

" You like apples, is not it? "Says Joyce." I read it or heard it on TV. You are the writer who writes the story of the murders, is not it? "

" Yes, "says Mrs. Oliver

" We should convince you to show something that is related to the murder. For example, someone is going to be at this party today, and we should have it fixed. "

" No, thank you, "said Mrs. Oliver." Never again. "

" What do you mean? Never again, I tried it once but it was not a big hit, "says Oliver.

"You wrote a lot of books," Joyce continued. "Surely you have gained a lot, is not it?"

"Let's go," she admitted, and she fell in love with the tax office

"And your detective is Finn."

Ms. Oliver nodded. "Why is Finn?" Asked a very small boy with a weak expression, which, according to Mrs. Oliver, did not reach the age of eleven.

"I often think about it," said Ms. Oliver. Mrs. Hargreaves, the wife of a local organist, came into the room with a large green plastic bucket.

"What if we used this apple when we hit apples? I think it's pretty funny."

"Better metal heat will not be so easy," said Miss Lee, an assistant medical. "Where to take it, Mrs. Drake?"

"The apple hunt could be done in the library, there is an old carpet and there is always a lot of water coming out of this game."

"Okay, so We're going to take her there. "Rowena, another basket of apples has come in."

"I'm going to help you," proposed Mrs. Oliver, lifting two apples at her feet. Almost unaware of what he did, he burst into one of them and started scratching him. Ms. Drake took the second shot from her hand and returned it to the basket.

"Yes, but where are we going to give a fiery dragon?"

"A fiery dragon should be in the library because there is the greatest darkness"

"No, let's put a burning dragon in the dining room.

" We have to cover the table with something. "

" We'll cover it with a green cloth, and we'll put a plastic wrap on it. "

" What about mirrors? Are we really going to see our future husbands? "

Mrs. Oliver undressed, went back to the couch, silenced the apple and critically scanned the crowded room.If I was writing a book about them, she thought, as a real writer, what would it be? At first glance, they look very good, but they do it?

In a way, she fascinated her without knowing anything about it. All of them lived in Woodleigh Common, and some of them had thoughts in Judith's stories. "Miss Johnson had something to do with the church, but she was not a sister No, of course, she was the sister of an organist, whose bored woman brought this extremely disgusting plastic heat. "Mrs. Oliver did not like plastic objects." Rowena Drake, at Woodleigh Commone, has Apparently everything organized There were children in the room: teenagers and girls

Mrs. Oliver only p Ann, Beatrice, Cathie, Diana and Joyce, who were bored and asked questions. Joyce does not care, she thought. Ann was tall and polite. The two teenagers obviously tried new hairstyles, except with a rather unfortunate result. There was no boy in the room.

"Mom sends these mirrors and asks if they can be." He drew a little breathless. Mrs. Drake took them from him. "Thanks a lot, Eddy," she says, "Because they're just the usual mirrors with a handle," Ann said. "Do we really see them in the faces of our future husbands?"

"Some of you, some, no," Judith Butler replied, "Could you see yourself at a party like a party like this … husband?"

"Probably not "said Joyce," Maybe yes, "said Beatrice. "Thanks to an unusual perception," she added, adding that she was satisfied with the latest concepts

"I've read one of your books," she said. to Ann. "Named Dying Goldfish, I totally loved it," she added graciously, "I'm not," said Joyce. "There was not enough blood in her … I love bloody murder."

"They're pretty disgusting," objected Mrs. Oliver. "Do not you think?"

"But interesting," said Joyce, "Not at all," said Ms. Oliver,

"I saw the murder once," Joyce continued.

"Really," said the girl.

"Have you really seen the murder?" Cathie says, shouting at her, "No," Ms. Drake said. "Do not be stupid, Joyce."

"I saw a murder," says the girl. "Videla, she saw, seen!"

A lad of seventeen on the scale has lowered his interest. – What murder? He asked, I do not believe you, said Beatrice, no, no, added Cathin. "You just put on makeup."

"I do not think, I saw it."

"Why did not you go to the police?" Cathie picked up

"Because I did not know that it was a murder.Later it started to happen that there was a murder.A few months ago, someone said something, and I was 39 I suddenly realized that I was witnessing a murder. "

" You see, "says Ann," she thinks.

"When did this happen?" Beatrice wanted to know [19659006] "Several years ago," said Joyce. "I was still small," she added. "

" Who killed who? "" I will not tell you, "joked Joyce. "

Source: Rajknih.sk

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