HKM Zvolen – HC Nové Zámky


The nervous end of the match. On the national level, with great effort, they tried to reconcile, but it did not work. The guests of the league at one goal ended up defending themselves and winning the second game of the season at Zvolen. Elected, therefore, left empty, three points go to Nové Zámky.


Vandan shot, another shot from the opposite side again to the outside. Last shot of Spiric, the ice is still on the run, but it does not come …


The other bulls at home winners and the immediate shot of Chovan from blue to water, but nowadays the Zvolencans are absolutely not out …


Excluded from HC Mikron Nové Zámky (Bytek – 10 min personal punishment, non-behavioral behavior).


Chovan's ball at the door, the puck running, and Košaristan with immense joy. Subsequently, another Vandan from the left wing and the goalkeeper catch up again.


The home team is six out of four.


Exclusion in the team HC Mikron Nové Zámky (Fábry – 2 min., Cut into pieces).


Adam Zbořil exported the puck, also shot at the door but triafa just outside the left stick …


Great Pressure Chosen, the goal is suspended in the air, but the power play does not come home.


Strella Handlovského, again but only in the middle of the door …


The guests are in full.


Tom comes out of the ice. The home team will try to settle in six.


Free time for the house.


Great pressure Chosen, Vandasa struck from the right wing, the Košaristany puck fell and immediately stopped Obdržalka, but the referee interrupted the match.


The local team HKM Zvolen has a huge chance. Zuzin won Šišovský, but his goal against Košarišťan was well scored, but the goalkeepers were …


Drgoňova misses the first degree only at the host and the enemy launches the puck …


Excluding HC Mikron Nové Zámky (Košaristan – 2 min., Coup de send).


Another fault, the Košaristan has literally avoided the ice of Vandasa. Jančušku on the hiker …


Vandas won the blue Romana, the puck was thrown to the door and Košaristan kicked the receiver again.

1489 spectators attend the meeting today.


The builder pulled the puck off the boards, a blue shot was hard by a shot between two defenders. He headed exactly, but the Košaristan puck is beautifully caught by the catcher. Beautiful traffic light.


The guests only defend and throw pucks, no combined action …


Zvolen's good power play, but HKM's goal was a little too short, so it does not change the status of 1:21.


The guests are in full.


Huge pressure picked, but Vandan's pistol again went through the door and guests are now thrown out.


Vandan's shuffle, Kosariestan, Kytnár's kickoff is again a player's ball and Kytnár ends without a helmet.


Excluded from HC Mikron Nové Zámky (Urban – 2 min., Hanging + personal punishment of 10 min, non sports behavior).


Starting with the desperate inner pressure to balance. Will it be Zvolenčanom? In the second third, the locks did not use long power and that could harm them now.


Zvolen scored goals!
HKM, however, after five-thirds of a goal without accurate shot. LUKÁŠ HANDLOVSKÝ lined up on the left side of the table, fired a shot from the right stick and stabbed Košarista.
Assisted by Michael Vandas.


Petraš could not defeat the opponent and the last guests were immediately given the chance to play. However, they did not take advantage of the opportunity either.


HKM luck. Today, the most active player, Peter Zuzin, who was shot only by the goalkeeper, then threw a puck, used the door and tried to hit the open door, without success.


It is not possible to repair the national players, but the ease they showed during the match in Košice is irremediably absent and they are now fighting against themselves.


Jakubek's shot was wide and Tommy's shoulder was immediately attacked. Will anything happen to them today?


The local team seemed to be asking the coach to fly all the time, because that's what they're doing on the ice now.


After the imprecise start of Novozamcans, the release was banned and the game returned to their defensive zone. The right hand will be Andrey Kosarišťan.


The Chance hosts after the failure of Drgona, however, he demolishes two against an unduly won Jurík …


Ruzicka puck just hit the goal and the team to throw in the assault zone.


Zuzin's shot came from blue, but only in such urgency because he did not know what to do with the puck. The co-star emerges.


The guests are in full.


The shot from Chovan missed by the door did not arrive and the guests are already in the square.


Vandan's shot of the first triumph only welcomes defeat and defeats the puck.


Milan Kytnár won the home match and the two-man game continues.


The third third has begun.

Shores after the second third 34:13
Vhadzovanie 24:10

We have another third. But the picture of the game has not changed. The home team is active and the guests are waiting for their chance and a quick counter-attack. The locks did not take advantage of the 4 minute power play and had the opportunity to play at home and at home. And now 5.3, but the siren was the same. Thus, the nervous struggle continues in the third third with the great advantage of Zvolen. Inconkoncom is not decided here …

When I left for the slum, another scandal erupted, I did not see who, but I certainly did not use Stupid and Merry …


The second third is over.


Another Kytnárova won bulls and after Chovan passed another Vandana hunter, she was heading to the stick. But the kosarian was cautious.


The baker won the bulls and Vandane, but only in the middle of the door …


To date, the time has returned after the agreement and there are 21 seconds left before the end of the third.


The national timekeepers are now a little sleepy and after the whistle, five seconds have passed …


Exclusion in the team HC Mikron Nové Zámky (Urban – 2 min., Cut into pieces).


Exclusion at HC Mikron Nové Zámky (Fábry – 2 min of hook).


The pressure continues and the local team fights another foul and therefore another power.


Petrasa's shooting is fine, but again, like all goals at home.


Full Home


There is another player on the ice, Andreas Štrauch. Afterwards, Baytek and Handlovsky left, but the referees quickly hit.


The end of the match was a good end, but Štrauch's shot is close, but Tomek is great.


Fábry entered the group but immediately came to the puck …


The guests of Nové Zámky did not understand when they started and finally, their release was banned.


The pressure in the game continues, Kudl's shot from the blue and the house for the first time throwing the puck.


Bajtek in a good shooting position fired the first shot but broke the stick.


Exclusion in the team HKM Zvolen (Pöyhönen – 2 + 2 min, dangerous game with a raised stick).


I'm looking for something positive in the home game, but I'm sorry. Domestic puffs are beating and more and more dangerous guests are.


The blanket in Zvolen is falling more and more. In a short shot, the defender's second shot, after which the puck was not equal. The shooter, as they say, "was injured" …


The local team HKM Zvolen has a huge chance. The beautiful individual action of home defender Romana, he jumped the door, shot and skull sprinka puck cinkol the stick.


The prompt action of the guests and shooting Zbořil, Tomek in an accident lifts the puck with concrete.


Petrash had a lot of work with Jakubek, who covered the puck well with his body. However, the sand will pass by the hand.


Again, a domestic misunderstanding in the right coat, the player at home played directly on the opponent's hockey stick and Henderson had a huge chance. Tomek with huge problems, but finally Zvolen remains.


Another house ending, more than Zuzin and others, that only goes to the center of the door. It's the goal of Zvolen simply can not.


The home team has come in a third. Růžička could have ended up with a circle, but he was still looking for a teammate and the puck ends on the ground.


It's already the third quarter of HKM in which they have failed to score a goal.


The constructor is again alone in front of Košaristany, but in an uncertain situation, this micro-ball will again win the striker of the host.


The guests are in full.


Again, another bad move Vandana was the last player in the field. However, the bait shook the door.


Right now, the second chance was in a weakness and Tommy was lucky now …


Immediately in the first seconds, the blue Vandan and the goalkeeper come out of the doors.

11:51 p.m.

Exclusion at HC Mikron Nové Zámky (Urban – 2 min., Crosswords).

11:45 p.m.

Once again the pressure selected, Růžičkova missing, but tickled at the door did not reach …

11:01 p.m.

The local team HKM Zvolen has a huge chance. Beautiful combination, but in the end, the unstoppable Zuzin does not end more than in the center of the door. However, he had minor problems in processing the card.

9:15 p.m.

Attend HC Nové Zámky with great luck. There is nothing in the next tutover. Ordzovsky went on the ice and Tomek tried his luck.

8:30 p.m.

At the beginning, the pressure of the fourth national line and the guests of the puck is projected on all the lines.

8:02 p.m.

The first bulls won the guests of Urban.

8:01 p.m.

The second third started.

Even before the start, the referees of the circle invited the two captains and they clearly explained something to them …

Statistics after the first third according to the SZHH website.
Blows at the door – 21: 3 !!! 0: 2!
Mix – 10: 4.

The next third will start around 18:54.

The first third is behind us. More they were active at home all the time, but what happens if the goals are 0: 2. The first goal was scored by the Zvolenčany in their own match and the second after a quick counterattack . The HKM has apparently fallen on a "blanket" and got out of it, but he just needs to …

8:00 p.m.

The first third is over.

7:49 p.m.

Probably the last bull of this third in front of Košarist. Successful cook.

7:11 p.m.

Handlovsky's shot goes behind the defender, but he passes the barrier.

6:52 p.m.

Zavor in the goalkeeper. The Obseralek went to Košaristan, who had just hidden the puck and maybe a little after the trap. Immediately however, Oberealek was attacked and lying on pain. But the referees are not going to exclude this time.

6:32 p.m.

The guests are in full.

6:20 p.m.

The guy just managed to blow up the puck of a third.

5:41 p.m.

The Drgo bomb again without preparation and again only for the goalkeeper.

5:17 p.m.

Elected until now, he has settled into the group and begins to combine.

4:32 p.m.

Exclusion at HC Mikron Nové Zámky (Košaristan – 2 min., Roughness).

4:31 p.m.

Fighter in the goalkeeper, Petráš is on the ice and a host of hosts attack him several times. The main referee was behind the door and was immediately dismissed.

3:27 p.m.

The shot from Dangerous Spirka since the end, but the visitors corner was still in place and the opposing team started.

3:04 p.m.

Vandas shoots blue, Košaristan at the last moment fights the puck in front of him, then the puck helps the teammates.

2:24 p.m.

The local team HKM Zvolen has a huge chance. Milan Kytnár completely alone before Košarista, but do the triafa only in the chest or somewhere in the middle of the door.

1:50 p.m.

Again, the game takes place in front of the hosts, but when they have the pressure, but the goals are drawn …


HC Nové Zámky scored a goal!
The quick and clear crossing of the visitors ends with the second objective. Urban entered the group, found Bajka in the back, he shot. The puck Tom has just started and Andreas ŠTRAUCH immediately plunged into the goal – 0: 2.
Assistants: Filip Bajtek and Tomas Urban.


HKM continues the coercive play and has optical predominance, but that's all.


The guests are in full.


HKM's first serious shooting position, Ruzicka beat Drgoň and the first shot exactly, but exactly in Košarišťana's chest.


Although HKM combines in the group, it's always everything.


HC Nové Zámky scored a goal!
Huge thickness in the game at home. The home team was postponed and in the middle of the post, It was obvious that the local team did not have his unseen view, nor the ball just missed. The lucky shooter is JURAJ JURÍK.


Disadvantages in the game at home …


Pressure The selection ends with a new foul and HKM will play the first numerical advantage.


Exclusion at HC Mikron Nové Zámky (M.Novák – 2 min., Attack).


Again pressure on HKM, again the Kytnár line. Until now, we only monitor the rotation, but the pressure is obvious.


Vandane jumped the ball on the right side, but he missed the goal by another.


Drgoň lacks precision and both teams have changed, but the referee has not stopped the game and let the game continue.


The guests depart to the attack, but their attempt ends with an offensive blue line. Line Referee Sands standing outside the game.


Another chance was chosen, Spirko buzzed between Šišovský circles, but his unprepared shot only moved to the center of the door. The Košaristan puck is spinning in the corner.


We always play without a single interruption …


Zuzin is still in the best odds of a match, but his shot at the last minute allowed the hosts' hockey defender and puck to cross the grid.


The stumbling stone of Lušňák, but again, she was outside, this time through the door.


Šišovský tries to get out of the doors of the house.


In Zvolen, we always play without a shot.


Even the second training of a lot of excitement on the ice did not come, so they come in third.


The shot fired at the outside of the doors and Tommy did not have to intervene.


The bulls of the opening have gained the centers of visit …


The meeting has just started.

The anthem followed by the SR and after, the match will begin. I wish you a good sporting experience, dear sports friends …

The home team after a defeat at Miškovec has several changes in the set. Tomas Tomek will be in Skapski's position. The question is in the place of the second center. Garett Mitchell's most recent position was on the 36th, but he still does not reach the match. The first game of this season for HKM will be played by Milos Kelemen. He signed a contract with Slovan this summer, but he did not act for the injury of the KHL in the summer.

Guests will have a stable Kosaristan at the door. The first attack will be played in the composition of A.Štrauch – Urban – Bytek.

Introductory meetings:

HKM Zvolen: Tomek (Skapski) – Vandane, Ulrych, Ržička, Zeleňák, Drgon, Pöyhönen, Roman, Pufahl – Vandas, Spirko (A), Handlovsky – Obdržalek ,? Mitchell ?, Lušňák – Zuzin, Kytnár (A), Mich.Chovan (C) – Šišovský, S.Petraš, Kelemen (coach A.Podkonický)

HC Mikron Nové Zámky: Košičan (Glossary) – Kudla, Andersons, Henderson, Hain, Novov, Ordzovenský, Hatala – A.Štrauch, Urban, Bajtek – Jurík (A), Zbořil (C), Rogoň – Nejezchleb, Fábry A ), Jakubek – Slávik, Ondrušek, .Buc (coach M.Jančuška)

Judge: Mr Štefík, Kalina – Jobbágy, Krajčík (video – Beniač).

Let's go to …

Nice evening of Zvolen …

Ladies and Gentlemen, we welcome you to the 27th match of the HKM Zvolen Hockey League – HC Mikron Nové Zámky. We report you from the meeting under the text message of Pustý Castle, which allows you to miss something essential.

Zvolen is still leading, but his lead before the second Košice has fallen to a point. HKM surprisingly lost 4-0 against Miškovec. Elected for the first time this season, he could not shoot the opposition's goal. The last three games are hurting Zvolen. He played with Liptovský Mikuláš. At home, he beat the heat of Detva hard, even in overtime, and the fight at Miškovec, as I already mentioned. New momentum for improvement could be a further boost – Canadian striker Garett Mitchell, who signed a contract with Rytiermi before the end of the season.

Nové Zámky after Sunday's loss to Kosice 0: 2 has already dropped to 6th place in the table. Like Zvolen and Locks, they went out naked at the last meeting. Mikron also played against Košiceam for the elimination and scored the first goal on the power play. No wonder, New Locks is the most exclusive team in the Tipsport league. What is even more interesting, at the same time, Locks also relies on the success rate of the weakening. Against the best players in the league, they run HKM, but they have to be careful.

The most productive players HKM ZV:
Michal Chovan 40b (10 + 30) 28s, +/- (+9)
Rastislav Špirko 36b (14 + 22) 27z, +/- (+20)
Milan Kytnár 26b (19 + 7) 28s, +/- (+9)

The most productive players of HC Mikron NZ:
Andreas Štrauch 19b (9 + 10) 28z, +/- (+1)
Adam Zbořil 18b (10 + 8) 27z, +/- (+6)
Filip Bajtek 15b (9 + 6) 28z, +/- (-4)

Comparison of ZV – NZ statistics
Assets: 26.96% – 18.12%
Success in weakening: 85.29% – 91.11%
Number of penalty minutes: 264 – 516
Success in throwing: 49.25% – 46.81%

Matches of the season 2018/2019
Zvolen – Nové Zámky 2: 3pt
Nové Zámky – Zvolen 2: 4

Matches of the season 2017/2018
Nové Zámky – Zvolen 5: 1
Zvolen – Nové Zámky 4: 1
Nové Zámky – Zvolen 3: 4sn
Zvolen – Nové Zámky 4: 2
Nové Zámky – Zvolen 1: 4
Zvolen – Nové Zámky 6: 3

Welcome to the online transmission. The meeting will begin at 18:00.

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