Hopes Return – Analysis and Opinions – Opinions


18.07.2018 09:00

In the east of Slovakia the fetus of measles. The most affected are the socially weakest groups in the population, in other words, the poor Roma. Their standard of hygiene meets the standards in force in Africa desert. With the difference that so many people do not go to the desert and so there is no greater risk of importing and transmitting such diseases. These do not occur naturally in a given population, because people, while living in poverty, are immune to them.

We worked on this in our small Slovakia. So, to ensure what is called
collective resistance that can only be achieved if it is vaccinated
the disease population will exceed the 95% threshold. Beans on
Lower Zemplines are exemplary proofs of what can happen if they are

The epidemic has developed with three Slovaks returning from the
strangers where they were probably infected. In addition, they were not vaccinated
in our country or in the UK during their stay. UK
is vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. It's a mixture against measles, rosin and mumps
recommended for everyone according to the proposed agreed schedule
experts and approved by the administration of the National Hospital.

No one can force anyone to vaccinate against
everything except the access of Britain and other countries of the European Union
Immunization is not only reflected in the fact that they are detailed
how and when to get vaccinated, but also that they are paying for these
complete the vaccination from dedicated funds to designate.
The practitioner explains and organizes this vaccination to his patients
everything is necessary. Its results are subject to close monitoring

There are no Member States in the EU Member States where there would have been no
vaccination recommended and paid for with the MMR vaccine is even mandatory in Malta
for all girls under 14 years old. Anti-vaccination activists in Slovakia
argue that it is mandatory in communist countries in particular
in the past, where it was not so much the free choice of a person.
It is true that these countries tend to leave compulsory vaccinations
of the previous regime, only in the light of the current knowledge of science
rather, a positive remainder of "communism."

A real free man can decide whether he has enough
relevant and verified information. We live in the boom period
of alternative medicine, some of the ancient truths of this classic are
often criticized, but often wrong. The studies at their disposal
opponents of vaccination, many are at the limit of unverified beliefs and assumptions.
On the other hand, modern classical medicine can provide a lot of evidence
on how to protect a person against polio, diphtheria, black
cough, tetanus or tuberculosis. Non-critical highlighting of the free
to do is a bad interpretation of democracy because it is dehonest of meaning

To be perfectly free should not mean too much, sooner or later
on the contrary. Just as Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions, because they
cross their religious dogma, then the same nonsense would be the rejection
vaccination against infectious diseases. It has nothing to do with politics,
religion, nationalism or other principles that divide them
the human community. When people travel, they also travel with diseases, without visas
and without passport

The situation in the east of our republic is an image of the fact that we are starting to live
the series of information confusions and counter-campaigns focused on the classic,
proven medicine. The return of measles can only be the beginning of a collapse
the principle of prevention of many dangerous diseases where vaccination has its own
first time

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