Horehronie will be closer to tourists, in Bystrá they open a new information center


Horehronie will be closer to its visitors

8. July 2018 at 16:06 TASR

BYSTRÁ. Horehronie will be even closer to your visitors. Regional Tourism Organization (OOCR) The HOREHRONIA REGION brings to the current summer a number of novelties to increase the attractiveness of the region. "Through the opportunity for direct communication with area visitors, accommodation establishments, contractors or residents, we can provide more effective information about activities throughout the region. ", Said Ľuboš Ďurinďák, president of the OOCR REGION HOREHRONIE

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The opening of the infocentre in Bystrá is also underway. after the mayor the municipality of Mariana Alberty is an important step for the region. "Our village is an entrance gate to the Bystrianska Valley and it attracts tourists, but this service has been lacking for our visitors and residents, so I decided to support the idea of ​​creating a infocentre, "said Alberty, vice president of the OOCR HOREHRONIE

a place

ICT spaces have a wooden exterior, interior, pallet furniture, the first non-traditional wifi area in the region. "Thanks to the support and cooperation of Banskobystrický samosprávny kraj, our team has grown thanks to two tourism specialists, so Horehronie can benefit from the development coordinator and the coordinator. I believe the staffing will bring new products, ideas, creative and successful marketing campaigns to the region, "added Petra Rizdoňová Hlásniková, Executive Director of the OOCR REGION HOREHRONIE

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