How could they give it to him?


Tablets used by men with erectile dysfunction have been reported to women in research. The project started in 2015 and has joined 11 hospitals across the Netherlands. Sildenafil, which improves blood circulation, has been used by approximately 90 pregnant women, reported BBC News.

The University Medical Center in Amsterdam, which deserves to be studied, immediately stopped testing and began to study the problem. According to the experts, the preparation caused severe lung damage to children

Similar tests with the blue pill have been done in the past in Britain, Australia or New Zealand. However, there was no negative or positive effect of Viagra on neonates

  Viagru was given to pregnant women

Pregnant women gave Viagra.

Photo: Shutterstock

An ill-developed placenta severely limits the growth of the fetus in the mother's uterus. The baby can be born prematurely, with a small weight and a low chance of survival. The treatment of this health problem does not currently exist

The experience surprised the chairman of the Slovak Pharmacy Chamber Ondrej Sukela. Although Viagra significantly improves blood circulation, pregnant women would not recommend it. "We may think that if we improve blood flow in the pelvic area in women, we will do something, but it is certainly not consistent with the indications of this drug."


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