How much money does the United States spend on defense in NATO and how much does Russia spend?


London, 14 July 2018

Russia's Ambassador to Britain, Alexander Jakovenko, Compares US Military Expenditures with Russia

Photo Illustration

] "These days , everyone follows the NATO summit, so I decided to check what are the annual defense spending of the US I've read the data from the International Institute. strategic studies in London and I found that it was 700 billion dollars.Then I checked the same NATO data and the total cost was d & # 39; 39, about a trillion dollars.For comparison, Russia spends $ 46 billion in defense, a difference of 20 times, "says Jakovenko.

He added that the European allies are called to give more defense to get closer to the 2% of GDP declared, which would mean a further increase of expenditure of 200 billion dollars

. "the problem is not in Russia, but in the dominated world," said Jakovenko finally


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