Hraška ends at the head of NAKA


The new director Lučanský will not say yet.

BRATISLAVA. Claims by the organizers of the events For a credible Slovak Republic based on an anonymous criminal announcement, NAKA President Petra Hraška will be prematurely dismissed.

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Milan Lučanský, president of the police, confirmed this statement in the Brao Závodský Live on Radio Expres. The police also wrote the status on their facebook profile.

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"By the end of the year, I will announce my place in the police force where she would like to continue to work." This will be a place in a different police unit, such as the police. National Criminal Police Agency, "said Lucianski, adding that they had agreed to do so with Hraško, no disciplinary action against the head of NAKA has been carried out.

This was suggested by the president of the police for the NAKA procedure as part of an anonymous prosecution directed against organizers of the events for the distinguished Slovakia.

Trust has fallen

Playhko is currently taking a vacation. Lucianski added that his confidence in the NAKA leader after the organizers' hearings had "fallen".

After the departure of Hraškov, the elite police service will have a temporary director, who will apparently become the current representative of Hraškov Patrik Jurík. This appointment should be resolved next year to Lucan's successor.

"As provisional president of the police force, I will not have a seat in his place, I will leave it to the new president," added Lucian.

Hraško is considered an official of the group around the oligarch Norbert Bödör in the police, including former chief of police Tibor Gašpar as well as ex-ante anti-corruption unit Róbert Krajmer .

It was he who was inspired in 2012 from the Hraška civilization, which he learned while working in Trenčín.

The procedure continues

The disciplinary measures against Hraška, which were reported to the police yesterday, will continue regardless of their end in NAKA.

His result can now be a reduction in salary or rank. Lučanský however indicated that the agreement to leave Hraška would help in this case.

"His findings might be different from what I had originally anticipated," admitted Lucianus.

When asked if he was considering running for a permanent police president position, he responded indirectly. He did not, however, object to that.

"I am the person who decides at the moment and at a given time," said the president of the police.

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